Food or medicine? Inflation squeezing retirees in Argentina

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I have a hard time believing this year will be JxC vs Peronism but rather JxC vs Milei. If the later form an alliance my money is on Peronism loosing in a blowout on the 1st ballot. I wasn't alive in 89, and I only remember seeing the news about 2001 as a kid, but I feel like people are at a breaking point and will try anything except 4 more years of Alberto/Ks.
I have a hard time believing this year will be JxC vs Peronism but rather JxC vs Milei. If the later form an alliance my money is on Peronism loosing in a blowout on the 1st ballot. I wasn't alive in 89, and I only remember seeing the news about 2001 as a kid, but I feel like people are at a breaking point and will try anything except 4 more years of Alberto/Ks.
The only real question is whether Milei will actually fix anything if elected. He won't control the Congress even if elected President, so I doubt anything will actually change. Hmph. Back to peronismo after a 1 term Milei presidency? 😂
Back to peronismo after a 1 term Milei presidency? 😂
Time is a flat circle, perhaps here more than other places lol

As to whether he'll fix anything, I doubt it, and will be the first to admit that I don't want him to be President, even though I would benefit from many of his policy positions. Talking with people who are interested in voting for him the consensus seems to be that they think things can't be made worse (perhaps I'm a pessimist but I still think they can, I thought things were bad under Cristina).

Regarding governing, you're right, he won't have Congress, but he can ignore them more or less in the same ways that Alberto has, which would be ironic. For years the Ks have been using DNUs to invent new taxes, change withholding rates for the campo, prevent the import of goods, manipulate the dollar, etc. and the opposition has been crying foul saying this is usurping their domain, while Alberto/Cristina/Massa just laugh, and if Milei wins, you better believe he's going to use DNUs to accomplish as much of his agenda that Congress refuses to take up or pass.

Even if it's Laretta or Bullrich you're going to likely see DNUs aimed at lowering withholding, eliminating the impuesto PAIS, setting perceptions to 0%, etc. and thanks to inflation of 100%+ a year you can cut social plans by simply not adjusting their value for inflation; if a plan pays 30K/month this year it will only be worth $19,135 ARS in todays' pesos in a year.
Food or medicine? If Argentines ate real food, they wouldn't need medicine. The problem is there is too much junk posing as food, which causes obesity followed by health problems. "let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food. -- Hippocrates 400 BC." Nutrition prevents and cures disease.
Food or medicine? If Argentines ate real food, they wouldn't need medicine. The problem is there is too much junk posing as food, which causes obesity followed by health problems. "let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food. -- Hippocrates 400 BC." Nutrition prevents and cures disease.
How do you think the quantity of junk food eaten compares to other western countries?
$150 peso alfajor vs $150 tomato, which are people going to chose for cost vs calories
For $150 pesos I choose three fresh eggs and I make that choice at least once every day....

...while avoiding all sweets, especially processed foods like alfajors with any added sugar... well the nightshade vevetables like tomatoes.
I'd wager it's higher

shit food is cheap. and when you are in poverty you eat whatever you can get
As a, regrettably, junk food eater I find that junk food tends to be more expensive relatively than in England. Fortunately I tend to snack on crisps and the quality of crisps here are pretty poor and also relatively more expensive which has been good for my intake of crap
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