Football Players Wanted


Mar 6, 2008
There is a regular expat game that occurs on Monday
nights at Ocampo Ortiz, just the other side of the railway tracks in
Palermo. We need some new blood so come down.
To play you need to sign up to the group on Facebook group is called Ocampo Futbol, there are instructions
there. People write on the facebook wall if they can play each week. All
skill levels are welcome.
Games start at 9 or 10 on Mondays. Any questions just reply to the thread.
Yep just sign your name on the Wall and turn up.
And if you don´t sign up?
I am probally going to play roller hockey, but this is interesting for me as well
Any other nights?
Are you guys talking about American football or Argentinian football (soccer) ?If it is American football, I´m interested
"Niteman" said:
Are you guys talking about American football or Argentinian football (soccer) ?If it is American football, I´m interested 

Yeah, let me know cause I want to come and watch 300 pound dumb f**ks smash into each other and get paralyzed or at least see a few compound fractures (broken bones and blood poppin through the skin !!!) TOUCHDOWN !!!... best show since they fed the Christians to the Lions back there in the days of Caligula. BTW, why do they call it (American) FOOTBALL when the feet have very little to do with anything unlike TRUE Football (AKA Soccer in the Grand old USA)? Isn't American Football just a Rugby rip-off? Anyway, I'll round up the Cheerleaders, where do they sell cheap G-strings, do-it-yourself Brazilian Wax kits, and Pom-Poms in San Telmo? Rock On and First Down !!! Dudester
Its Football with a round ball.
Monday is the only night we have arranged. Come down if you are interested sign the wall if you can if not just come down.
"Dudester" said:
Yeah, let me know cause I want to come and watch 300 pound dumb f**ks smash into each other and get paralyzed or at least see a few compound fractures (broken bones and blood poppin through the skin !!!) TOUCHDOWN !!!... best show since they fed the Christians to the Lions back there in the days of Caligula. BTW, why do they call it (American) FOOTBALL when the feet have very little to do with anything unlike TRUE Football (AKA Soccer in the Grand old USA)? Isn't American Football just a Rugby rip-off? Anyway, I'll round up the Cheerleaders, where do they sell cheap G-strings, do-it-yourself Brazilian Wax kits, and Pom-Poms in San Telmo? Rock On and First Down !!! Dudester
Oh come on Dudester, you can't be THAT negative towards THAT simple of
a question. To each is his/her own as far as liking and personal
preference is concerned. Rugby is just as bad if you REALLY watch it.
Just recently, one player in Cuba was killed playing in a rugby
match. I like American football, FUTBOL, rugby, beisbol, and other sports in general.
From your past posts, it seems like you're attacking some of us here
who are STILL considering ourselves to be Americans. Just because one
does not like the other's preference, it doesn't mean that you'd have
to attack them based on their "simple" question and being an American.
If America is so bad for you, you can simply surrender your passport to
embassy, renounce your citizenship and you're free...
Dear Mike, I'm not attacking individual AMERICANS.... I'm an American too, the thing is my country has decided to steal my money (Fed Taxes) and use it for all kinds of Bulls**t that does nothing for me or 95% of the rest of the citizens (or the world's citizens). It starts wars so a few can profit while the leaders lie but yet stay in power and thrive financially... Wasn't Bill Clinton IMPEACHED for lying? Oh, I forgot, he lied about oral sex, now that's not acceptable (NO WAY, just the thought of it makes me SICK, SICK, SICK !!!) but when the lies are about invading and destroying a country and killing, WAIT..... MURDERING MILLIONS of innocent people that seems to be alright? Wow, talk about f**ked up logic... And to top it off, this human colostomy bag (GWB) gets elected for a second term? Holy s**t, what kind of morons inhabit the country? (BTW, check out SMARTYPANT'S YouTube video on the "HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA" topic - BRILLIANT !!!! LMAO !!!)

Do you know where our Fed Taxes go? I do, look into it - I get NADA. Turn in my Passport, OK, as soon as they ALSO agree to refund ALL MY FED TAXES that I've paid into for years and years and years, would be more than happy to. BTW, America hijacked the name FOOTBALL, it's nonsense since American Football has nothing to do with using THE FEET (except running but all sports have that, even Bowling). Just call it Rugby V2. Sorry to upset you - but if you ever figured out that the USA is just using you to pay for an obese Government and Military but doesn't give a damn about you you just might wanna slap me 5 and buy me a beer.(hmmm, should I go European Pilzner or Mexican Dark, sooo many effing decisions).. Oh say can you see... Dudester