for people reading french, the death of Paul the octopus

French jurist

Feb 5, 2010
There's this cartoons blog on Le Monde, with a new drawing everyday,
and today was related the death of Paul the octopus.

The user comments in french are really divine (many "jeux de mots"). I know there are quite a few people who read french here :

- Eh oui, Paul a jeté l’encre …
- Adieu Paul, ton successeur n’est pas encornet !
- Sur son aquarium, il a écrit “Homard m’a tuer” !! (for this one you need to know the story of "Omar m'a tuer")
- Avant de mourir, la Mort serait venu en personne voir Paul et avant de le faucher, lui aurait déclamé : “Tu vois Paul, tu es très célèbre mais toi aussi le temps t’accule !
- Ce dessin est bien trop poulpuliste !
- j’applaudis à huit bras !
- qu’est que c’est un nain possédant un étang ? = Un petit qu’à la mare !

The first non-French to understand all the jokes wins a caramelo virtual
Sorry FrenchJurist, I speak French but I don't get them all :D (waw that hurts to admit) but then what can I do with a caramelo Virtual :eek:
I've just read the comments, drôle, drôle, drôle :)
"Adieu Paul, ton successeur n’est pas encornet!" - ROFL.
Quite nice that some comments are way better than the cartoon itself.
And yes, just curious: why the caramelo virtual? Do you know many people with a virtual sweet tooth? ;)