Getting US dollars Today

Your land lady is asking you to do something illegal. Contracts in dollars are not enforceable. Private debts and rents are not allowed to transact in dollars. If you do a transaction in dollars it is simply two willing parties agreeing to unenforceable casual terms. [unless you are exporting vino to the US, maybe]She's hoping that you will do the legwork and take the risk in order to provide her with her little dollar nest egg. Typical landlord mentality here.
I have learned that information I get here is not necessarily all accurate, but I understaood CK had made it illegal to charge in USD. Is that incorrect?
There are creative ways to get U$ in hand here in Arg. if you know people that are looking to get U$ out of the country. Basically, you have to do it with trusted people, but the way it can work is you transfer U$ to x account in the US from your account and they give you the cash here. Because of the desperation some have to get U$ out of Arg. sometimes there are brokers that even pay a small % to do this.
I have some USD to sell if anyone is interested. Just send me a PM.
As I'm sure many people here will jump to tell you, there are no ATMs that will dispense dollars.

In the 5 years i have been here i have not seen an ATM here that actually give US$, even the ones that ask if you want US$.

This is incorrect information. you CAN get dollars out of cajeros automaticos PROVIDED you have a cuenta en dolares at a local bank (mine is at banco frances) AND PROVIDED you have dollars in that account. i just did it. it comes out in units of 100 dollar bills. you can keep putting dollars into that account electronically, by buying them and paying for them with your peso account. you get the official rate. but you need to be authorized by AFIP to do it. so this may not be helpful for many people, but i wanted to dispel the rumors that cajeros automaticos don't give dollars. they do.
Martinf said:
There are creative ways to get U$ in hand here in Arg. if you know people that are looking to get U$ out of the country. Basically, you have to do it with trusted people, but the way it can work is you transfer U$ to x account in the US from your account and they give you the cash here. Because of the desperation some have to get U$ out of Arg. sometimes there are brokers that even pay a small % to do this.

Is there a way to make some $$ on this if you are flying back and forth to the US regularly?
I had to pay a US dollar rent at an exchange of 4,8 recently - but I think 5 is more common.... I didn't like it, but I calculated the actual peso difference it what I was paying and it wasn't worth my time trying to get the dollars myself.
I'm looking to change about 500usd and hoping to change for the of 5. Anyone know where?