Good Vet In Belgrano R Coghlan Nunez Villa Urquiza


Dec 7, 2014
I think its long past time to chop his balls off. A prospect which scandalized our vet and he said if we're dead set on doing it we should wait till after a year.

However according to what other people have told me, that's not actually based on any science. So I'm looking for a new Vet, hopefully one with more modern ideas on castration and responsible pet ownership. Does anybody have any recommendations?
Why don't you go to your local zoonosis? It is free.
Because I need a vet for more reasons than just neutering. I'd like to find a recommendable one and build a relationship.
Our vet is amazing! He runs a teaching clinic in his office and is well respected in Argentina.

Carlos Molnar

He's on Mendoza in Belgrano, so close to Belgrano R.

(He also neutered a 10-month stray we found.)
Oh thank you. Please, please neuter him. I seriously am SHOCKED by the fact that I have heard vets say there is no reason to castrate/spay and/or if you must spay a female, you should breed her first. It is completely incorrect and 25 years behind current vet standards.

Speaking of zoonosis - Serafina, do you know if there is a list of all the locations? Like an idiot, I have been paying to neuter/spay the strays that show up here. Just realized now I could take them in and do it for free and there are several that need doing.
Speaking of zoonosis - Serafina, do you know if there is a list of all the locations? Like an idiot, I have been paying to neuter/spay the strays that show up here. Just realized now I could take them in and do it for free and there are several that need doing.

I'd start from this page.

  • You need a DNI and to be a resident of that partido/municipality
  • Some zoonosis are old and crappy and with poor hygienic standard, some are okay
  • You need to make a reservation, but usually they are very quick (next day or so)
  • They schedule castration/sterilization surgery first thing in the morning, so be prepped to get there by 7.30 AM
  • They give the same booking time to everybody and then they operate on a first come-first served basis
  • In my experience they collect the animals all at once and then deliver them on a rolling basis, so expect to spend at least 2-3 hours there even if you are the first in line
  • Our vet charges 400 ARS to castrate and 500 ARS to sterilize and he keeps the animal for you, so that you can collect him/her at your convenience. This is not possible with Zoonosis
  • You will be required to carry a blanket and possibly also a razor to shave your pet (I carried a disposable razor for human use)
  • Usually zoonosis castrate only from Mo to Fri, but for vaccines they are open also on Sat and possibly Sun
  • Besides Zoonosis, there are also mobile RV equipped for castration that go around the city, they are called campaña de castracion mobile here you can find a calendar for the upcoming events. See also the unofficial page: https://www.facebook...onesenargentina
  • If your animal is not vaccinated, they will usually vaccinate it before surgery
  • I saw people carrying a cat in a bird cage, an old lady carrying her dog in a shopping cart and a woman with a cat alive & awake in a open box like it were a chicken. :huh:
Oh thank you. Please, please neuter him. I seriously am SHOCKED by the fact that I have heard vets say there is no reason to castrate/spay and/or if you must spay a female, you should breed her first. It is completely incorrect and 25 years behind current vet standards.

To be honest, from the OP's post it sounds like the vet suggested him to wait until the puppy is over 1 years old. I think it might depend also on the dog breed, but I don't know about dogs.
For cats, my vet in Italy recommended to sterilize the female at 8-10 months if there is no risk of her getting pregnant (otherwise at 6 mo.), however stray females might mature quicker than household cats.
Little Serafina was very early, she started acting luscious at 4 months and I had her sterilized at 6 mo. She was taken from the street at 2 months, anyway, and she was (is) a single cat.
That may be but I have heard actual vets say there is no real need to spay/neuter, esp males. Which is 100% incorrect. And the whole "you should breed them at least once before spaying" for the females is also something I hear a lot here. And also totally not correct. It's outrageous.

ETA - Thanks for the info on the clinics. Off to check what is out here.
That may be but I have heard actual vets say there is no real need to spay/neuter, esp males. Which is 100% incorrect. And the whole "you should breed them at least once before spaying" for the females is also something I hear a lot here. And also totally not correct. It's outrageous.

ETA - Thanks for the info on the clinics. Off to check what is out here.

Just saw this, not sure where you are in CF, though.
