Happy Festivus!

It is gonna be a nice an' quiet Christmas, at last!
I like Christmas here in that I don't have to oocupy myself with the hysteria until approx 8pm tonight when I'll be in dantes unpublished 8th circle of hell...a la "Noche de Shopping"

If the weather stays like this and I can dodge the pio-nonentity i might enjoy it this year.
Grievances people, grievances - I'm very disappointed in all of you!

I'll make it easy for you - here's a template:

Grievances people, grievances - I'm very disappointed in all of you!

I'll make it easy for you - here's a template:


Come back to me at midnight after I have suplexed a middle age belgrano housewife off the 3rd floor balcony of the shopping centre. This will occur after I have been barged in the back for the 33rd time by said high heeled, war painted, scowly faced shopping ninja so she can get to the front of the queue announced by santas little discount announcers.

Right now, zen.

Midnight, Colonel Kurtz.
You *do* have a lot of time at hand, Pauper!

Umm, it's Festivus? I'm on Holiday - obvio.

All year this forum is nothing but whining then comes Festivus and butter wouldn't melt in their mouths. Is this a southern hemisphere thing?
For the first time ever we managed to finish our Xmas shopping early so I will not have to endure Magico' s 8th level of hell this year. I'm cooking a roast leg of lamb for Xmas dinner a la Kiwi tradition and the weather is cool enough that I won't feel like I've spent 3 hours in a sauna to do it, and my husband has been diagnosed with high cholesterol, which should be a grievance but in actual fact means all stodgy potato and creamy sauces dishes will be removed from the table, replaced with lovely salads. Sorry, no grievances on that front.
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