Haughty Rant Against Mate Drinkers Gets Dr. In Hot Water.

D.B. Cooper

Oct 7, 2012
Some light news here for a change. She's come to be know as the Cheta de Nordelta. This doctor living in North Delta got into some hot water after making derogatory remarks made about mate drinkers who live in her condo. Mate drinking is part of the culture here. I don't do it myself. In 2010 I got hired by an American company, I was somewhat shocked when a young co worker handed me a mate to drink during working office hours. That would never happen in NYC where I used to work.
At first I thought it was some sort of a prank, but it wasn't. It was just a way of socializing with co- workers during business hours.


I can see Eva Peron bashing her with a flowerpot. Srta/Sra Dhers is a wonderful gift to sarcastically-minded Argentines (which is practically all of them). If this is serious, she's the archetype of the "my taste is so superior that I insist everyone else adopt it - especially inferior classes!"

On the other hand, my Argentine wife has hated mate since forever, so it has no presence in our home. It's not banned, however, so anyone who visits is welcome to bring their own supply.