Have an opportunity to move to BA


Jan 19, 2007
I have an opportunity to move down to Buenos Aires by June 07 the latest. I'm Canadian (from Winnipeg, then Calgary) and have been living in Costa Rica for the past year. I'm trying to learn as much as I can about BA, so that I can make this decision. Part of me just wants to say "to heck with it" and I'll just DO IT!!
I think my hesitation is because in the past year, I've really made a nice life here and have a lot of friends and know my way around and the thought of starting that all over again is a little scary.
I'm every 40's, single and the opp is a really good one (financially). I'm wondering if anyone on this forum has a similar story and if so, what could you tell me about your move that somewhat had you a little hesitant at first.... and hopefully you have a happy ending!!
Ok, back to reading more on this site..... I'm learning alot. It does sound like a wonderful place to set up!!
Good afternoon, Janice:
Nice to read your comment.
I let you know I'm not an expat. I'm local and I apologize because my english is not very good
I can see you sent your comment January 20 and today, February 1, you haven't got any answer. That surprise me a little bit but... I'll try to tell you my point of view.
Don't you believe it's "the Paris of South America" It's still a big 3rd. world big city.
If you allow me, I'll suggest you two things:
First, don't you cut your ties with your homeland and second, try to do not come alone.
Your hesitation is absolutely comprehensible (at least for me). It's not an easy matter to start again from the beginnig in somewhere else but I guess that has nothing to do with your 40 years old.
About any choice you make, I really wish you well.
Good luck, Janice.