Hello BA


Apr 29, 2011
Hi, I arrived here early yesterday morning.

First impression: HOLY CRAP!

This city is huge, and from what I can gather not the safest place on earth.
I could do with meeting some fellow expats pretty quickly.
I'm a teacher from the UK, and I've been sent here by my employers (a little against my will).

It's going to take some getting used to, and any help would be very much appreciated.

Uh oh! Welcome to BA! Yes, it's definitely a huge city and I can easily remember how overwhelming it all seemed at first (it's not so bad as all that but does take a bit of time to learn the ropes and expand your areas of comfort). All I can say is this site will be an invaluable resource to you--start perusing it now and use the search engine to find answers to specific questions. Several forum members organize a weekly cocktail hour, so you should go to that to meet some people. Take a deep breath and take it easy. All the best of luck to you.
That sure was my first impression. We almost got into multiple wrecks before the car I was riding in even left the EZE property.
Yes how can I forget shooting out of EZE weaving and swirving through cars 8 lanes of cars packed into 4.. half a wake half asleep after an 18 hour trip..... driving about 80 mph in a eze taxi that sounded like it was loosing a tire..... not knowing anything about the city or really where I was going.......oh the good old days!!!!

well Welcome... try out the usual hangout places ...Casa bar.. Sugar... etc not sure what area of the city you are in.....and yes as already said look for the Friday night Frinks group that goes to San Telmo and also a group on wednesday in Palermo.... well welcome and I dont see it being that dangerous here... of course after many trips through mexico.. panama.... etc... BA is huge but not that scary to me... You are from the UK and you are coming from Madrid Spain.... BA is a huge city.. but not that overwhelming... I remember the biggest shock was all the trash and litter in the streets ... and of course the dog crap!!!...haha
well welcome you will do fine.... maybe see you tonight in Sugar.. cheers....
Thanks for the friendly welcomes guys.
I've just come from Madrid which is a walk in the park to this place.
I'll keep an eye out for parties/cocktails/meetings etc.
Hopefully meet you soon....
majortungsten said:
Hi, I arrived here early yesterday morning.

First impression: HOLY CRAP!

This city is huge, and from what I can gather not the safest place on earth.
I could do with meeting some fellow expats pretty quickly.
I'm a teacher from the UK, and I've been sent here by my employers (a little against my will).

It's going to take some getting used to, and any help would be very much appreciated.


Welcome! Size isnt everything remember that and whilst Bsas seems huge and although you wil visit many areas you will likely not frequent more than 3-4 barrios regularly in your day to day life and soon you will start suddenly coming across people you know in such and say "It's a small world"..that's really how this city is, as it works best with a network of contacts and friends of friends so have no fear you will feel at home fairly soon I'm sure.