Hello Everyone.


Feb 16, 2011
Hi all -
My sister has suggested I ask you guys so...
I was born in BA (some 41 years ago), and was wondering - I am a nurse, anyone know if I can work at the British Hospital in BA ? Sadly my Spanish is rudimentary at best, but my English is excellent :) any ideas?
oops just realised I should have said that I am registered and qualified in the UK, but really want to work in BA. Thanks.
I know the British Hospital has a very really excellent nurse school here in Buenos Aires, where many students from Latinamerican countries attend. Did you try to contact them on the phone or by email? I guess you are at the UK, arent you? I believe you need to have an argentinian license to work as a nurse, without having it, you will be probably only able to do some administrative work. You can get this information at the Ministry of Healt's website too.
thanks for your help - I have since found that I can convert my UK license, but I really have to improve my Spanish, so back to school for me :)
Our son's doctor is the head of pediatrics at the British hospital. If you want to pm me or activate your pm, I can send you his contact details. He's a lovely person and I'm sure he'd be happy to advise you how best to go about it.
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