Hello Everyone


Jan 6, 2013
Hi everyone! I just arrived in Buenos Aires and will be here for all of January. Looking for some nice places to go and things to do. This is my first time here and my level in Spanish is not the greatest. I am originally from the Midwest U.S. and currently in college. Please let me know if you have any ideas that i could do on a student friendly budget.


Welcome to the Forum. Let me know what kind of things you are interested in or would like to do and i might be able to point you in the right direction.

I love to play tennis, and I saw people walking down the streets with rackets so anything like that would be great. Otherwise i was just thinking about any good cafes or bars or public places i should go to not only see the city but also meet new people.

Welcome ! Yes,let us know what you are interested in be it partying,architecture adventure tourism or whatever else .Whatever you do start to enjoy yourself now.
I definitely want to check out the partying scene! i feel like i couldn't say I was in BA without going to some fun parties. I also know a little tango so a laid back dance group would be really fun as well and I'm generally up for any adventure whether it is going to a landmark in the city or the countryside so if you have any leads I would love to hear it
I definitely want to check out the partying scene! i feel like i couldn't say I was in BA without going to some fun parties. I also know a little tango so a laid back dance group would be really fun as well and I'm generally up for any adventure whether it is going to a landmark in the city or the countryside so if you have any leads I would love to hear it

While you are looking for adventure visiting a landmark in the city, do not wear/show visible expensive things as cameras, since pickpockets tend to be interested in them. Also it is safer not to walk alone (in case you have things that might get stolen).

As a women it is good to go out in company rather than alone, as this will give you more opportunities to ignore guys who are too forthcoming. Not every guy understands a women has a will of her own.

For tango,

if you would be a beginner and you do not want to bother about dancing well, you could visit http://www.lacatedralclub.com/ (Sarmiento 4006, best day is Tuesday) or http://www.lavirutatango.com/ (Armenia 1366, best day is Friday). These are probably the 2 worst places to learn tango. However, they are very informal, there are a lot of young people and they are open almost every day. In La Catedral, there is no airconditioning, so around this time of the year it would be rather hot. In these places there may be (some elder) guys you should not directly accept an invitation to dance from.

If you want a place with young people and a high level of dance, go to Club Fulgor (Loyola 828) on Tuesday or Saturday, however if you are new, it may be hard to get invitations to dance.

Another informal place with a lot of young people (except on Saturday) is Villa Malcolm (Cordoba 5064, best day would be Sunday).

I gave recommendations for places where you will find young people, not for where there is a high dance level.
this is a funny time of year- everyone is at the beach. Not a lot of music or events right now. Soon, the City is starting a program of something like 300 free events all over town- almost all outdoors- music, dance, stuff like that.

I would recommend you go to Konex on monday night- 7 pm,La Bomba de Tiempo-
great outdoor party with cheap beer, great drumming, starts early and is over early. The picture on the web page is accurate- hundreds of people bouncing excitedly to amazing drummers.

lately i have been finding fun things to do on VuenosAirez.com there are usually a dozen or more events per day listed. Many are cheap.

Another great little scene is Cultural Center Matienza- in Belgrano, in an old house. Most nights there is an event, very low key, young BA hipsters, lots of great music, sometimes film or dance, a bar downstairs with sandwiches, another bar on the roof, its cheap- often the cover is 20 or 30 pesos. Most likely you wouldnt see another tourist there, but the people are friendly.
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