Hello! New To Ba


Mar 19, 2014
Hello! My name is Bella and I am new to BA. I just moved her two weeks ago and I am teaching English. I´m from a small town in California named Half Moon Bay, about 30 minutes south of San Francisco. Would love to meet some other Expats, so shoot me a message!
Hello Bella and welcome to the forum!!! I used to be a bay area resident myself,wishing you the best!
Hello! My name is Bella and I am new to BA. I just moved her two weeks ago and I am teaching English. I´m from a small town in California named Half Moon Bay, about 30 minutes south of San Francisco. Would love to meet some other Expats, so shoot me a message!

You will miss the fog.
Hello! My name is Bella and I am new to BA. I just moved her two weeks ago and I am teaching English. I´m from a small town in California named Half Moon Bay, about 30 minutes south of San Francisco. Would love to meet some other Expats, so shoot me a message!

Half Moon Bay ! I haven't been there in ages. I always go see my old acquitances, owner-operator,
Hiro Shigeta at the Sushi main street. have you eaten there? http://www.sushimainstreet.com/#!about/c42f
Hello Bella and welcome to the forum!!! I used to be a bay area resident myself,wishing you the best!

Oh ! That is a surprise...Where in the Bay Area do you come from? Iam in the east bay, circa-Walnut Creek, Alamo, live in idyllic danville. https://www.google.com/search?q=idyllic+town+of+danville+pics&rlz=1C1SNNT_enUS377US377&espv=210&es_sm=122&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=uugpU46HN5OEoQTH-IDwBA&ved=0CCcQsAQ&biw=1061&bih=599
Half Moon Bay, the opposite of BsAs in many ways. I thought people only go there for a drink, not many live there.
Wow, Half Moon Bay? I thought only fairies lived there, and that it only existed in the imagination...

No, seriously, I've never been there, but I've heard it is a really beautiful place. I knew a few people who lived there a couple of decades ago. Sounds enchanting.
Half Moon Bay, the opposite of BsAs in many ways. I thought people only go there for a drink, not many live there.

garryl,I did not notice before but are you from the Kalifornia too? Perhaps the wind swept town is good for good eating and body warming drinks.! Every time I went to Half Moon Bay, it was always cold and windy thus the drinks, many of them is a welcome!