I have bought apartment here, I would advise you to buy a 2 bedroom if possible. In order to rent it out to good peopple, you have to make it very attractive, remolding is not cheap here.\
Workers are very unreliable, unlike American contractors. If you are not local, you get ripped off left and right, gringo prices all the time.
The rent really depends on many factors. This is not a great time to invest in Argentina, seller does not want to drop the price, and the return is bad. Many foreign owners are eager to
get rid of their properties, so if you have to buy, buy from expat sellers, also the money transfering is a lot easier for you and seller. Expat seller is much more willing to drop the price
than the locals, who have a very high opinon of their crappy apartments. Feel free to PM me, I have learned a lot of the course of years.
If you can wait a little bit, not sure how long, buy it after a crisis.
From an investment point of view, you are better off to buy a property in US, and have a great/easy rental income, and use that money to rent in BsAs, you avoid all the headache owning a property in Argentina.
If you love the city and do not care too much about the price, I would say buy it now and hold it for fun. It's a really pain to own a property here, it is not easy to get the problems fixed
quickly, even if you pay well, repair people can not make it on time, there is no part, appliances break again quickly. My new washer/dryer breaks all the time, it's not as fun as you think.