Help! Are US citizens married to Arg. citizens allowed to visit?


Nov 3, 2016
Hello, I live between Buenos Aires and Seattle and my husband and I currently live in Seattle and want to come back to visit family because we haven't seen them in over a year. We've both been fully vaccinated in the US and I know that doesn't make a difference but we've checked 3 different websites and heard varying and conflicting information on whether or not I can enter / one of them being the US consulate in LA that say I can enter but only in cases of emergency.

We're trying to plan a trip for August - October but didn't want to book tickets unless we knew I could get into the country successfully

Has anyone here or does anyone know anybody who has successfully recently been able to enter the country who isn't a resident or with a similar situation?

Thank you so much in advance!

You will need your marriage certificate apostilled and a copy of spouses's DNI, but yes you will be able to visit.

Check Reunificacion Familiar requirements that should point you in the right direction.
YEP! - No issues. As Jaimito said. ORIGINAL copy of marriage certificate LEGALIZED in conjunction with copy of spouses DNI - Then you are good to go. In all of The Argentine government's craziness handling the pandemic, they actually got this part right. Allowing foreign relatives permission to reunite with family members.
Are they still requiring covid insurance for family reunification?