Help finding a Hospital/Doctor

Deborah Florencia

Feb 20, 2011
So I have been in BA for a month now. Two weeks ago I was cleaning my ears out with a q-tip and I ended up clogging up my one ear (this has happened to me before one other time). Its suppperrr annoying and I cant hear anything out of my one ear, which makes speaking in spanish very difficult. I have bought ear drops and tried home remedies but nothing works. What I really need is to go get my ear cleaned out professionally.

Anyway, where can I get this done... is this something they can do at the hospital or public clinic? What public clinic or hospital do you recommend. Someone told me if I go to the public ones its free. Is this true?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
Public hospitals are free. You can stop by at any time of the day and ask for emergencias or guardia. You will probably have to wait for around an hour to be examined by a doctor. I dont know where do you live but Hospital Fernandez in Palermo, Hospital Duran and Hospital Pirovano in Belgrano are good ones.

I went to Hospital Fernandez, where I had to go to a counter covered with a glass, like a window with a hole. There I was asked for my reason to go to the hospital, my personal ID. I went to the waiting room and they called me by my name some time after that.

Remember to bring your piece of personal ID, I think your passport in your case.

The medical doctor expert is ear issues is called otorrinolaringologo. You can choose to go to see a doctor, they ussually charge some $150-200 pesos. Perhaps you have a medical plan from abroad that gives you teimbursments on your medical expenses.

And from personal experience here (!) if it is ear wax that has blocked your ears put olive oil drops in for a few days before you see the doctor so that it will be nice and soft before they clean them out
The only hospital that has emergency ear, nose and throat doctor is Hospital de a Clinicas ( public ) on Cordoba and Úriburu but they have signs that warn that they do not remove wax tampons in the ER. At any public hospital you will need to get an appointment and it can take several weeks.

I suggest you go to a private place to get this done asap ( I had it a few times and it drives you nuts! ) It is not very expensive and you will get instant relief. I went here a few times Good Luck!
At hospital aleman we made good experiences. Fast service, you can go there during the day to the policlinic without apaointment. It is about 160 pesos plus extra costs for the treatment (but not too much). They have english speaking doctors. You can ask at the entrance for prices.