

Mar 19, 2014
Help! What is the best way to receive belongings from the US without it being held/taken at customs? Have heard some horror thinking FedEx is the best way to go? Thanks!
Avoid all couriers, the best way is to get someone that is traveling to bring them.

Nikad, why avoid all couriers?

When you say couriers, do you mean companies like ?
Even if you use "couriers" like FedEx, UPS, or DHL, your package must still clear customs.

I just clicked on the Sarexpess link and noticed the AFIP logo on the first page.

It is best to bring as much as you think you will need in checked luggage.

You can bing a LOT of stuff (especially clothes and shoes) as well as electronics without any trouble at EZE.

Essentially, if you are willing to pay the excess baggage fees, you can bing as much as the airline will allow.

There was a recent thread about the aduana charging 50% duty on anything shipped to Argentina (including via the USPS) that was valued over $25 USD .

I believe that if the contents are worth over $25 USD. Unless a receipt is enclosed, they are "worth" whatever the aduana says they are.

They will also charge 50% of the shipping costs.
There are a few people here who have shipped their belongings from one place to another, a quick search will find them. I don't remember anyone doing it recently though.

These are people who are moving everything from their old home wherever to Argentina to start a new life, not just some clothes / small electronics.
I think you essentially have two viable options. 1) Pay for a container to be shipped here. Put everything you can get into it. 400 cases of Dr. Pepper would be a good start. Or 2) bring it with you in duffle bags on the airplane. Any other means will probably be more trouble that it is worth.

Welcome to Wonderland.
I think you essentially have two viable options. 1) Pay for a container to be shipped here. Put everything you can get into it. 400 cases of Dr. Pepper would be a good start. Or 2) bring it with you in duffle bags on the airplane. Any other means will probably be more trouble that it is worth.

Welcome to Wonderland.

Oh, this is plenty familiar. You should see how the aduaneros, (although, in common use, most Mexicans usually apply one or two colorful adjectives before that particular noun), rip people off at the Mexican border. The term in the local Sponglish is "La Mordida" or "The Bite". San Diego being a border town, (essentially Tijuana and San Diego are sister cities), the customs guys make a huge profit from all the people returning to Mexico after shopping trips at CostCo or wherever.
There are a few people here who have shipped their belongings from one place to another, a quick search will find them. I don't remember anyone doing it recently though.

These are people who are moving everything from their old home wherever to Argentina to start a new life, not just some clothes / small electronics.

In the past day or two I read a post by someone who recently moved "all" of their stuff to Argentina (I believe by container) and seriously regrets it as they reported having problems getting their shipment (which was supposed to be duty free) released by the aduana.
Let me put it this way bellad. This are the two ways thing get can typically get shipped to Argentina and their pros and cons.

Couriers (DHL, UPS, Fedex)-

They'd seem to be the best option (items don't get lost or stolen). However using them is extremely expensive. Since they follow customs law BY THE BOOK, unless you're shipping worthless stuff (which in return would mean you probably wouldn't use their service), your stuff will never get to you until you hire a "customs agent" to clear your package. Now you'll ask "Customs Agent? I'm not an importer, I just want my purchase". Well, as it turns out it doesn't matter. You still need one. And the courier can offer to be your customs agent or to get one for you for a sizable fee. On top of that fee you'll have to pay the taxes required (often more than the purchase) and you need to go to Ezeiza (at least once). So unless you really want what you're ordering or you have money burning as a pastime. Just don't bother.

Regular Mail (USPS, Royal Mail, etc)

They're cheap and they will eventually deliver to your doorstep (or make you go to Retiro). Anything valuable will get stolen. This is a gamble and if you want to get items that can easily be concealable it's a viable option. It's a high risk so don't send anything you would not want to be stolen.
We should make a glossary

what's Ezeiza? (one of the two airports, code EZE?)
what's Retiro?
what's an amb.when you're looking at ads for apartments?
what's the subte?