Hi Everyone!


Mar 29, 2013
Hi to all people here!
My name is Julieta (but I'd rather be called Jules) i'm 18 and i'm studying radiology at university.
I'm here because I'd love to meet English people. i'm from Buenos Aires but I love their culture and I think of them as very interesting people, and definitely more loving than Argentinians!
I recently had a crush with an English boy but I don't know why it ended so since then I only wanted to meet English people.
Thanks for the space!
Peace out.
Hi Jules, you're far more likely to meet the parents of your future amor on here than anyone in their teens. I'm probably one of the youngest members on the forum and I'm still a half decade older than you. (Not to mention a dirty Yankee philistine). Regardless you're more than welcome here so, "bienvenidos al sitio!"

Peace out!
PhilipDT, have some mercy, in front of this fine lass you make me feel like old people's home material.

Jules, I congratulate you with your interest in British culture, but I do have to warn you to some extent, as these Englishmen form a rather peculiar species.

What about other nationalities? Are they not intrestin enough?

Peace out.
Great ! So this means all nationalities can "express interest" in befriending you?