Hi Everyone!


Oct 6, 2013
Well hello everybody! I'm Pilar, and I'm a bit of a fake expat I suppose. I'm originally Argentine but grew up/lived in the US (Washington DC, then went to University of Delaware for Math and Econ so I was right outside of Philly for a while) and now that I'm back in the old city I'm feeling a bit weirded out by the lack of social heterogeneity in my life. I work in Palermo and it pretty much consumes my entire life, but I'm trying to find the time to make new friends (and find a decent yoga studio in the Belgrano area... ugh).

So anyways, I'd love to get to know you guys and interact with some non-strictly porteños. Hope I can be a decent resource, too, as I'm versed in both argentine slang and customs aaand still crave a decent cheesteak once in a while (Banco Rojo I'm looking at you).

Welcome, from a former Philly resident.if you really get "homesick" for the US you can try some of the cheesesteaks that are now available in BsAs! Also if you like to read in English you can join our book club which meets the last Wednesday of the month. We are very mixed with all ages and sexes represented.