How much is an Argentine University education worth.

The UBA is indeed free for locals and international students. That is for undergraduate studies. Graduate programs are paid (for local and internationals), well some of them i believe.

I studied at the UBA and had plenty of classmates from other countries in LA. I also had classmates form the US and Europe, but most of them were only for a semester.

I think you cant enroll with a tourist visa, you can with a DNI or residencia precaria. Keep in mind you would have to take the year long CBC course.

In any case, if someone is interested they should go to the UBA registration offices and ask, they system is very flexible.
Thank you Fedec. I was referring to undergraduate. I believe you are right about residencia precaria being necessary. Not hard to get. Argentina is quite generous in this regard, also in its free hospital services open to everyone.
I'm currently studying abroad here (in La Plata)- just for a year but I know lots of people, mostly from Latin America but one from U.S., who are doing the whole degree here. It is completely free, for foreigners and nationals alike (for undergrad). The exception of course is private schools, but I should point out that, unlike in the U.S., these have a reputation for being of generally poor quality compared to the public school system. You have to get the residencia precaria, but first you have to enroll- then the international students office will walk you through the process.

As far as its worth in an international market, that's trickier to pinpoint. In Latin America, the schools here (especially UBA, UNLP, and Universidad de Cordoba) are highly respected but I'm not sure about in the U.S. or other countries. Hope this helps!