How much philanthropy is there in Argentina from mega rich?


Sep 20, 2018
Do the mega wealthy here invest millions in hospitals, schools, etc as is common in the US? I ask because I toured a few hospitals and universities recently and they all seemed really run down. Whereas in the US every damn park bench and hallway has the name of some donor slapped onto it.
Its not tax deductible in the same way. So there is no financial gain to doing it.
Here, rich people OWN museums, but they dont give much money away. Malba, for instance, is privately owned.
Di Tella is technically a non-profit, but its probably the biggest example of a university endowed by a rich family- and its a pretty singular example.
Most schools and hospitals (as in, well over 50% of each) are state owned.
Wences Casares is from Patagonia, created an ISP in Argentina in the 1990s. Then he got into Bitcoin pretty early, like 2012 or earlier, and started a bitcoin-related startup called Xapo. I'm pretty sure he's a billionaire, from bitcoin. I think he was already a hundred-millionaire before that.
One way to find out would be to talk to professional fundraisers, the highly skilled
people who make it their business to know where the money is. They may not
name names, but they could provide an idea of the "market" for big givers and
their fortunes.
Wences Casares is from Patagonia, created an ISP in Argentina in the 1990s. Then he got into Bitcoin pretty early, like 2012 or earlier, and started a bitcoin-related startup called Xapo. I'm pretty sure he's a billionaire, from bitcoin. I think he was already a hundred-millionaire before that.
Casares is the CEO of Xapo, a bitcoin wallet startup based in Palo Alto, California.[12] Xapo is said to be the largest custodian of bitcoin in the world and is believed to hold as much as $10 billion of the cryptocurrency in underground vaults on five continents including in a former Swiss military bunker.[13][1] Xapo has raised $40 million from leading Silicon Valley venture capital firms.[14] Widely known as "Patient Zero", Quartz reported that Casares was the entrepreneur to convince Bill Gates, Reid Hoffman, and other tech veterans in Silicon Valley to invest in bitcoin
One way to find out would be to talk to professional fundraisers, the highly skilled
people who make it their business to know where the money is. They may not
name names, but they could provide an idea of the "market" for big givers and
their fortunes.
How would I go about finding one.