How to deal with new economic measures for exporters


Mar 4, 2012
My girlfriend is an independent translator and she earns a modest wage in dollars. She is declaring everything to the tax authorities. Currently, she is going through a mental breakdown, because of new legislation, she is obliged to convert all her dollars to pesos at the official rate and can officially only convert 200 USD back per month.

If she wants more dollars to save, she loses another 20÷ (she gets pesos at the official rate, currently 57,93 ARS/USD and the blue rate to convert back to dollars is 69,25 ARS/USD). She becomes depressed, because on top of her normal taxes, she has to pay the "exchange rate tax", which is currently around 20% and will increase and if she does so, she converts her white money to black money, on which she will have to pay another tax in case she wants to convert it back to white money in a future blanqueo. In short, she is depressed because she prefers not to have black money, but it appears that almost nothing of her wage will be left.

I mentioned her she could do one of the following:
1. Keep doing everything in white and accept the losses
2. Move to another country
3. Set up a company in Uruguay, let her wage be paid to this company and let this company only pay out a negligible wage to her
4. Do everything in black
5. Stop working

She is not happy with any of the possible solutions. Would you have any idea how she could keep earning a wage in dollars, declare it and not lose most of it?
Hi toongeorges,

Is she registered as a monotributista here? How does she charge her clients now?
Hi toongeorges,

Is she registered as a monotributista here? How does she charge her clients now?

She is registered as a responsable inscripto. She does not deal with clients directly. An Argentine who lives in Germany deals with the clients and sends her the work. She writes invoices to him and he pays her in dollars in a bank account in Uruguay.
What is the downside of #4?

She fears AFIP can see her Uruguayan bank account and that they will force her to pay her taxes + a fine. She fears she will have to convert her dollars to pesos at the historical official exchange rate of when she received the dollars, which will make her lose a lot of money if in the meantime the dollar has gone up a lot.
i'm confused. she's getting the dollars in uruguay? why does she have to convert her pay then to pesos here?
And at what point does this happen?

ARTÍCULO 1°.- Establécese que, hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2019, el contravalor de la exportación de bienes y servicios deberá ingresarse al país en divisas y/o negociarse en el mercado de cambios en las condiciones y plazos que establezca el BANCO CENTRAL DE LA REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA.

4. Los cobros de exportaciones de servicios deberán ser ingresados y liquidados en el mercado local de cambios en un plazo no mayor a los 5 (cinco) días hábiles a partir de la fecha de su percepción en el exterior o en el país, o de su acreditación en cuentas del exterior.

“6. Se establece la conformidad previa del BCRA para el acceso al mercado de cambios por parte de Personas Humanas residentes para la constitución de activos externos (códigos de conceptos A01, A02, A03, A04, A06, A07, A08, A09, A14, A16 y A17), ayuda familiar y para la operatoria con derivados (código de concepto A05) cuando supere el equivalente de US$ 200 mensuales en el conjunto de las entidades autorizadas a operar en cambios y en el conjunto de los conceptos señalados precedentemente. ..."
She is registered as a responsable inscripto. She does not deal with clients directly. An Argentine who lives in Germany deals with the clients and sends her the work. She writes invoices to him and he pays her in dollars in a bank account in Uruguay.

If the dollars are paid directly to an Argentine account, is the tax the same? I get paid directly into my Argentine bank account as a monotributista and comply with all taxes, no one has knocked on my door about these new changes yet.

Now, i don't work in the service industry - I produce videos made 100% by myself and earn the money myself from ads, so I technically don't qualify as a service exporter. I bet there is a way that she can reframe herself as a totally self-employed person to avoid the additional taxes.

Also just a note the law you cited says UNTIL December 31. Does that mean this law will expire then?