How to Deal with Some Neighbor Gripes?


Mar 27, 2014
I have recently moved into our house and have some minor gripes with the neighbors. Firstly, the guy opposite is parking his motorbike on the pavement outside our hosue. We are on a pasaje so the sidewalk is small and it takes up most of it. He does this because the cars park on our side and not his, putting his bike more at risk if he parks outside his house. My wife asked him to move it the first day and he did, but then puts it back. Honestly, I am mostly OK with this but my wife isn't for some reason. I presume there's nothing we can do about this short of asking him again to park on his sidewalk, but am seeking advice here anyway.

The second problem is more annoying. Each morning I go outside and there are massive dog craps outside my house. Probably done by the same dog whose owner doesn't pick it up. It's a story of Buenos Aires, a city full of dog shit. I have yet to see the person/dog who is doing this to tell them. Before I do see them, I want to know if there is any legality here, I presume not picking up after your dog is not legal? Of course, I would prefer to avoid going into a war with people I have to share a street with potentially for years, but want to find a way to stop the dog shit especially.

You are in a tough spot. You care, but others do not.

And it really doesn't matter if you are in Argentina, Canada or Europe. People behave the same everywhere. They either care and are considerate of others, or they are not.

You either need to ignore it, go to war or move. Option #1 is probably best. (Option #2 isn't wise and #3 might not be so practical???)

I feel for you, there are some spiteful, inconsiderate people walking this planet.
Newsflash. Args don't pick up dog shit.

Count yourself lucky, at least that huge dog isn't in your neighbor's yard barking all night every night. Another Arg trait.
And one other little detail, don't blame the dog, blame the owner, they are the responsible party. A dog just doesn't have the capacity to function on a human level. (I personally adore dogs, great creatures.)
Supposedly it’s against the law in CABA to not pick up your dog’s shite. In theory you can be fined, I’m yet to see anyone do anything about it though.
I urge you to not do that. Two wrongs don't make a right. Maintain your composure at all times is the very best one can do.
Depends on the person, some people only respond to returned aggression. Unfortunately being nice and composed doesn't work for everyone and is seen as a sign of weakness. This is true for people with low intelligence like the one op is talking about. I have a friend who had to threaten to blow a neighbours stereo up with a gun to get a good end result.
Depends on the person, some people only respond to returned aggression. Unfortunately being nice and composed doesn't work for everyone and is seen as a sign of weakness. This is true for people with low intelligence like the one op is talking about. I have a friend who had to threaten to blow a neighbours stereo up with a gun to get a good end result.
Respectfully disagree. Ghandi accomplished a lot with his approach.