Hurrah Hurrah Koenig William Of Orange, Habemus Maxima !!

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
Great event, a medieval pompous celebration , one could see the Mink Cape William wore similar to the one used by Napoleon....!!


William the Silent - became the founder of the House of Orange-Nassau.

To open a MILD debate :D is it fair to ban Maximas father from the event ? How would one feel as a parent ?? :confused:

[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]To open a MILD debate [/background] :D[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)] is it fair to ban Maximas father from the event ? How would one feel as a parent ?? :confused:[/background]

Yes there were some notable absences. Also not present were the scores of Ledesma workers disappeared under Zorreguita's (Máxima's father's) charge during his time as a participant in an illegal dictatorship.
my friend who lives in Holland mentioned Maxima's father being a political problem before she mentioned how popular Maxima is, so I guess if it's something the people are talking about, it is very valid to exclude her dad.
If it were old, protocol rules that nobody cared about, then it would be silly to have him.
And didn't Maxima look beautiful and regal in blue? I love a good royal fairy story!
One of my preferred say is by William of Orange:

There is no need for hope to take action, and no need for success to perservere.
I'm in Amsterdam and sick and tired of this issue

Go to Bulldog and relax then (when you exit central station, walk straight and make a left if I recall :cool: ).
Yab Yum is another option though (I was there back in 2000 or 2001 for the birthday celebration of the place, was interesting I must say)...
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]To open a MILD debate [/background] :D[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)] is it fair to ban Maximas father from the event ? How would one feel as a parent ?? :confused:[/background]

Yes there were some notable absences. Also not present were the scores of Ledesma workers disappeared under Zorreguita's (Máxima's father's) charge during his time as a participant in an illegal dictatorship.

Perhaps most expats and myself, don't how about Zorrigueta's ` present legal status ?? was he convicted ? indicted? acquitted ? or else? or just investigated ... Thanks

Below is a report "The Father of the Bride" at the request of the Dutch Government,...?

El historiador Michiel Baud, quien realizó un informe (publicado como El padre de la novia) sobre Zorreguieta a pedido del gobierno holandés, concluye sobre él:

Hice un informe sobre la tarea pública del señor Zorreguieta, enfocándome en el contexto de su trabajo, la posibilidad de que supiera de violaciones a los derechos humanos y si había tomado parte activa en eso en el período entre 1976 y 1981. [...] El señor Zorreguieta tuvo una posición alta. No podía ignorar lo que ocurría en el país. En posiciones altas, callarse es cada vez menos aceptable. Por la responsabilidad y el cargo que tenía.[sup]3[/sup]
thanks Frenchie, I've been living in Amsterdam for about 30 years now and I'm about to leave in order to live in BsArs again. I do know the coffeeshops and although I'm very liberal I don't smoke weed.
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]To open a MILD debate [/background] :D[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)] is it fair to ban Maximas father from the event ? How would one feel as a parent ?? :confused:[/background]

Yes there were some notable absences. Also not present were the scores of Ledesma workers disappeared under Zorreguita's (Máxima's father's) charge during his time as a participant in an illegal dictatorship.

I saw an amusing nitbit on Facebook today.

That the father of the bride can't travel as he has an open judicial case against him, while Boudou has 43 open cases against him and is still traveling the world representing Argentina.