I 'm back inviting you to a colorful event!!


Aug 14, 2006
It´s been witches and ghost night... And now it´s time to celebrate death... (does it sound creepy?) don´t be afraid, keep reading:
One of the most antique Mexican traditions is celebrated at the "Museo de Arte Hispanoamericano Isaac Fernández Blanco". Friday Nov. 2nd, "Fiesta de todos los muertos" (Celebration of the deads). This year the event would be dedicated to 2 famous couples of artists: Diego Rivera - Frida Kahlo And Oliverio Girondo - Norah Lange.
Program: ▫ Margie Bermejo (Día de Muertos SOngs) ▫ Mexican Music(pop rancheras, corridos and boleros), Dance (tango and Argentinean Dance), Poems of Oliverio Girondo read by Verónica Llinás (famous actress), and of course Mariachi Sol Azteca.
El Día de Muertos, represents the synthesis between native and hispanic culture. This celebration originary from catholic ryths merge with native celebration of the deads becoming a colorfull and amusing event. This celebration takes place in Mexico as well as on the north of Argetina (Jujuy / Salta).
On an altar the offer fruits, beverage, flowers and candles, along with pictures or souvenirs of those you want to remmeber and to pay tribute to.
Other activities would be held from Nov 3rd to the 14th.
More info at [email protected] or here
Have fun!!
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