I Passed My Motorcycle Test Today


Sep 18, 2009
For anyone who has ever taken a vehicle practical test here (Prov BsAs), this should come as no surprise whatsoever. In fact, I would even go as far as to say that it was nothing more than a bizarre ritual, disproportionately skewed at around 20/80 to bureaucracy rather than actual proficiency in handling heavy machinery.
If anyone is interested, I'll post the Full Monty, including all those not so delicious hidden charges.
i am interested. anything shared is always helpful. thanks in advance.
The first thing I did was to go online at http://www.turmis.info/vicentelopez/solicitar_turno, book an available time (turno) and was then reminded that the process cannot go ahead if I have any outstanding tickets for motoring offences. I was then directed to two different sites and to my delight I found that I was clean both nationally, provincially and in CABA (a different country in its own right apparently). I then proceeded to book the appointment to change the address on my license and also to upgrade the category from A2.2 (up to 300c) to A3 in order to ride any size bike. Then a balloon came up to say that I had outstanding offences that don't show up on the net and they're so secret that I have to visit another office before I can make the booking.

I am not in the least surprised by this and head off next day to some anonymous office in Olivos, queue up for half an hour with others who had no idea why they were there, expecting to discover that I had committed some heinous crime whilst sleep walking, only to discover that it was related to some minor traffic offence that I had sorted out eight years since, but someone had forgotten to tick the relevant box on some distant computer. And to think that my life may hang in the balance, all for the lack of some forgotten tick. Can't life be cruel sometimes?
I then had to print out certificates to show I was clean of any outstanding traffic offences, pay for that small pleasure (around $120 each plus $200 for the admin fee) and then report for duty at the licensing centre.
Oh, before I continue, it's worth pointing out that I committed the fatal error of NOT photocopying every single form of ID that I possess and on arriving at the licensing centre, this was pointed out to me, requiring a short hop to a nearby cafeteria, which is pretty much par for the course for anyone who has ever carried out a paper-chase in this country.
I was given a number at reception on my return, went to office number one, then reported to the ominously named Clinical Examination office which prompted visions of doctors wearing yellow gloves asking me to bend over.
Fortunately, and to my relief, I was only asked to take an eye test. Back to office number one who then directed me to office number five where Srta Sparrow (I kid you not) asked me some rudimentary questions, fingerprinted me, photographed me and told me to go to the cashier to pay some more money. Yes, you guessed it, every change requires a fee to be charged and in my case I was changing the address and the category. Believe me, they know how to suck the $$ out of us, but little else, as this kind of bureaucracy is a well oiled machine with zero grey areas.
I then return to office number one and am directed to office number eight, upstairs, for a written exam.
When I arrive, I feel like I'm back in primary school. Minuscule writing desks are scattered around the room occupied by men writing and concentrating hard with their tongues hanging out, lifting their heads occasionally towards the wall board with road signs on it. It has to be said that the invigilator looked positively suicidal, so I thought it best not to cross him.

The written test was multiple choice, about 50 questions with road signs up on the wall as a guide. This was trickier than the practical I took later because some of the questions were a tad ambiguous, but anyway I passed more by luck than judgement.
Back to office number one with my growing ream of paperwork, where I'm told to report to the new boulevard in Vicente Lopez (Paseo de la Costa) between 10.00 and 13.00 any weekday, no appointment required.
Just in case,I spent an hour yesterday in an empty car park, weaving around imaginary cones and traffic inspectors.
At this juncture I needed to enlist the help of a friend with an A3 license, since my bike is over 300cc and so I rode pillion on my bike with him driving to the 'test centre' and we arrived at the rather ad hoc set up, where I was asked to present the following documents:
Driving license (I have A2.2 for bikes and full for cars)
Cedular/carnet for bike
Insurance card
License/admin payment receipts
My ever growing ream of papers
My friend's driving license and DNI( which he didn't have with him and luckily they didn't ask about.)

I then joined three or four other bikers and in the space of less than five minutes, one by one we weaved through eight traffic cones and one bollard at which point the officious and bored-out-of-his-skull traffic inspector indicated that the test was over.
The examiner then asks me into the office, congratulates me on passing the gruelling test and tells me to collect my license in five working days. Congratulations sir!
I am now legal to ride whatever size bike I like and am left with the lasting impression that, yet again, having your documents in order clearly has priority over any notion of proficiency at handling powerful machinery. I'd even go as far as to say that, documentation-obsession is the tail that wags the dog in this country and whilst I'm happy that the test was a no-brainer, it certainly left me scratching my head.
It{s also worth pointing out that, at least from what I've heard anyway that the test in Cap Fed is more difficult in that the weaving through cones is timed to 30 seconds and in the municipality of San Isidro it's even more rudimentary.
I can't comment on initial motorcycle tests, ie from zero, but I'm told that they involve a psychiatric test and that the practical is a little more rigorous. Either way, the key here is to have ALL your documentation in order, but then you knew all that already didn't you?
Picked up my new driving license yesterday which is less than ten days since I got the ball rolling. Not bad going, so it's worth pointing out that these kinds of paper chases are a darned sight more efficient than they used to be. For example, and at least in Vicente Lopez, they use webcams and digital fingerprint scanners on the clerk's desk. I only mention this because not long ago you had to pay some wide boy in a booth and fingerprints were all inky. Still, they enjoy over-staffing these places which is par for the course.
It's also worth pointing out that, since I'm now street legal, ALL documentation should be carried when driving. I'm a bit of an anarchist when it comes to rules and regs, but they really mean it when they say ALL docs. We had our car taken away from us for not carrying the insurance card (accidentally left in house) and a biker friend not only had his bike impounded but received five different fines because he'd accidentally left his wallet on the kitchen table. That's a fine for every doc he didn't have with him and worked out at around $5000
Cedular verde
Driving License
Insurance card
Car tax receipts up to date...

I'm not going all righteous on this, but it's worth bearing in mind.
Picked up my new driving license yesterday which is less than ten days since I got the ball rolling. Not bad going, so it's worth pointing out that these kinds of paper chases are a darned sight more efficient than they used to be. For example, and at least in Vicente Lopez, they use webcams and digital fingerprint scanners on the clerk's desk. I only mention this because not long ago you had to pay some wide boy in a booth and fingerprints were all inky. Still, they enjoy over-staffing these places which is par for the course.
It's also worth pointing out that, since I'm now street legal, ALL documentation should be carried when driving. I'm a bit of an anarchist when it comes to rules and regs, but they really mean it when they say ALL docs. We had our car taken away from us for not carrying the insurance card (accidentally left in house) and a biker friend not only had his bike impounded but received five different fines because he'd accidentally left his wallet on the kitchen table. That's a fine for every doc he didn't have with him and worked out at around $5000
Cedular verde
Driving License
Insurance card
Car tax receipts up to date...

I'm not going all righteous on this, but it's worth bearing in mind.

Be sure not to carry all those documents on the same side.

You'll fall off on the first corner.
Interesting reading. Got mine in Paraguay where city governments issue drivers licenses. Had to get vida y residencia first, then presented cedula and US license, USD20 for each auto and mbike and was out in 15 mins. Did not matter to the lady that US license specifically excluded motorcycles. :)
GB, did you get a new bike, one larger than the one you had before?
Slightly larger yes, only 350cc, but I wasn't street legal shall we say.
Problem is, the leap from 350cc to 650cc is expensive here, even with used bikes. These are my wheels at the moment>