I saw the weirdest thing at McDonalds on Florida street


Jul 20, 2024
A guy drinking a coffee and watching a movie on his new looking smart phone, on the table in front of him he had two expensive looking backpacks that were packed to the maxiumum. He stands up, places the phone on top of the bags with the movie still playing, and walks out empty handed.

My Argentine friends here are obsessive to the point of paranoia about guarding their personal items while out and about. I was once berated by a waitress in a nice restaurant in Palermo for resting my bag on the table instead of putting it under the table. So I'm in shock right now. There was no security and this McDonalds always has beggars entering the store trying to sell you socks or just straight up asking for money.

I sat there for 2 hours just wacthing this table, drank 3 coffees and ate cake. It was crowded there were no free tables. People sat next to the table and paid no attention to it, staff walked past, no one cared.

My thoughts were it was a honey trap by the police to arrest thieves. Or the guy had someone else inside the restaurant filming and it was a tiktok social experiment video. I also thought it might be a terrorist trap. Anyway after 2 hours of nothing happening and everyone ignoring the table I had to leave so I got no resolution
To be honest I would not sit for 2 hours close to some abandoned backpacks. I’d have at least brought it to the attention of a waiter or waitress and if there’s not a convincing reason then I’m gone.

Having said that, the other side of the coin is that Argentinians seem to be quite honest. You witnessed multiple people ignore an expensive phone, I’ve had important documents returned to me after leaving them on top of an ATM. Your friends are right in that “no des papaya”, or don’t give thieves an opportunity (the expression is Colombian, I don’t know if there’s an equivalent here), but Argentinians are not all “lanzas” as many would have you believe.
Real-world application of Quantum Theory here: the observation has an influence on the outcome of the experiment. Even if it wasn't a set up, a sting, you were there watching for - how long? Two hours? I agree with Frank: two hours watching some anonymous someone else's unattended baggage could have been your last two hours on earth but any chorro who walked in intending to steal would have seen the prize and their eyes would have flitted around and seen you looking out of place (trust me, they would have spotted you right away) and they would have been outta there. And Frank's right again: the vast majority of Argentines are nice, decent, honest, caring people who look out for each other and look out for strangers too. If you haven't yet had a stranger gently inform you that your pack is unzipped or your wallet/watch/phone/camera is visible and snatchable then you will.. you will.