In The Eyes Of Braniff

It truly is an amazing city, even today with all its problems. What do you think changed in the last 60 years?
It truly is an amazing city, even today with all its problems. What do you think changed in the last 60 years?

I first came in 1981 and, while I do enjoy the city, I find it implausible that Porteño drivers ever deferred to pedestrians. The creator of the "documentary" (which is really a promotional blurb for Braniff) ignores barrios like La Boca, which must have been much less picturesque even then. There's no precise year given, but it may have been before the overthrow of Perón in 1955.
What a great little film.
So many things that still look the same too.
Is isn't the "post office" actually the Casa de Agua?

No, it's the Correo Central. It's supposed to be an amazing building but it's been closed for years 'under renovation' and supposedly re-opening to display all it's glory in the 'near' future as the Nestor Kirchner Center or something like that. *sigh*
No, it's the Correo Central. It's supposed to be an amazing building but it's been closed for years 'under renovation' and supposedly re-opening to display all it's glory in the 'near' future as the Nestor Kirchner Center or something like that. *sigh*

Hmm, the building shown in the video at 1:37, referred to as the "General Post Office" doesn't look much like this building:

But looks a lot like this building:

But yeah, I've also heard that the Correo Central is an amazing building.