I think one has forgotten to mention inheritance with regards to wife.
In the UK if a spouse dies, everything goes to the spouse, unless there is a will or contestation. It only goes to the children after the spouse.
In Argentina they have Napoleonic Law. All offspring, that includes children born out of wedlock inherit directly after a parents death. The husband or wife receive a part of that estate, For example. If there is a wife and three children the estate is split four ways. I believe that there is a percentage that a person may will outside of that, but it is a small percentage. If however a marriage was celibrated out side of Argentina there may be a compromise between the two jurisdictions but that is more the case in divorce.
Also, as I mentioned in another thread. Do be careful if you decide to marry an Argentine. Especially if you go and live in a house that they owned pre marriage in nArgentina. Because even if new wife/husband invest 100's of thousands of dollars in that property, in case of divorce you are fucked. As this is considered a pre marital "bene". You may argue that the property value has increased during the marriage but they do not give a hoot and the worst thing is, if you do not get on with any step children you are going to feel pretty sick that they inherit all your input. Worse still if you have other childern of your own from another marriage they dont get a slice of the money you invested. There are other situations which I am investigating myself now and I am very happilly married. Where apart from money I brought lots of art and objects of importance into the home. This investigation was brought about by one of my very spoiled step daughter's making a comment to my husband about a very valuable statue that I brought in from the UK and which was inherited from my mother. This step daughter asked Daddy "can I have that when you die". daddy just smiled. Which pissed me off. A few days later I mentioned it to a lawyer friend of mine, who told me. "watch it, with those girls", I asked why. She said "do you have the proof that it is yours" I replied. "What do you mean? the proof I brought it with me from the UK in a container full of other precious things? She told me that if my husband dies, and the girls tried to grab my stuff the courts here would ask me to PROVE by documentation that all the goods I claimed were mine are in fact mine. Well how the hell do I get the bill of sale of porcelain acquired by my grt grt grt grandmother or the like?
So now I am moving MY things into a property acquired by me. How sad is that? The problem is they can still try and grab a part of that because I bought the property during this marriage.