Interior Designer


Mar 5, 2011
Looking for a interior designer who can help design a bachelor pad including helping buying me with the necessary things

In Recoleta. Great people.
  • CSAmbientaciones
  • Rodríguez Peña 1296
  • C1021ABB Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 4812-6215
  • Really lovely team
Laura Kelly - [email protected]. She did our apartment a few years ago and we are pleased. I have not talked to her for a year but I think she is still in business.
Hi BankNote,
I'm an interior designer with a degree from Montreal. My specialty is mixing the old and new, the rough and refined… I love designing cool, functional spaces. You can see some of my work on my facebook business page, MELT interior design:

Please get in touch if you're interested.
If you've got money to burn, look no further than George Home Couture. Probably best interior designer in the country. Tell him Tobias sent you! :)
Make sure to visit CASA FOA ( You'll probably get lots of ideas and might meet some interior designers.
The best furniture stores in the city are on Arenales between Cerrito (9 de Julio) and Montevideo. Talk to the people in these stores. They will steer you in the right direction. La Compagna (Between Cerrito and Libertad, Montrova next to the Belair Hotel) and the store across the street from Montrova are probably the best.
I have always dreamed of having someone furnish and decorate my place, but scared to even ask for a consultation.

I don´t know, I have this idea that a couple of airhead ladies or boys will come and drive me nuts with ideas, that it will be difficult to stick to a budget, that they will manipulate me into spending more and more... Am I too prejudiced? Is it possible to work with fixed budgets and serious contracts, or is it all "blah blah blah, let´s worry about numbers later blah blah, oh, you MUST go with this pattern, you MUST get that painting, blah blah"?

If anyone feels like sharing their experiences with an interior desinger in BA, please go ahead. :)

I don´t know, I have this idea that a couple of airhead ladies or boys will come and drive me nuts with ideas, that it will be difficult to stick to a budget, that they will manipulate me into spending more and more... Am I too prejudiced? Is it possible to work with fixed budgets and serious contracts, or is it all "blah blah blah, let´s worry about numbers later blah blah, oh, you MUST go with this pattern, you MUST get that painting, blah blah"?

Nativexpat, you are confusing two things. Interior designers are focused on space planning. We essentially are interior architects, making a space more functional. We either charge a set fee for a project or charge by the hour. Although we might also choose the furniture, paint colors, etc., I don't know any designers who get extra money based on what you buy. Decorators, on the other hand, do get paid a percentage of what you buy. Their job is strictly to furnish a home, not move walls or change the plumbing.

I have sometimes taken jobs that were strictly decorating, but I've never been paid for anything but my time.
Thanks! and sorry for my previous post - I thought it sounded too agressive and silly, but could not delete it afterwards. So, not only was I wrong, I was plainly stupid (I guess I could play the "sorry, English is not my native language" card, but I should have know better). :rolleyes:

Thanks for the clarification! And sorry again. :)