Intersting argentinian 18' guy xD


Sep 11, 2012
Hi to all, in first place i want to say that i'm not an expat, or well, maybe not an official one, but after all ,I've just been in Buenos Aires for about 5 months, considered i've never lived here in the big city .
I'm Juan Pablo, but you can call me just Juampi ,as the argentinian nick way, haha. I'm an economics student , and I'm here cause i really like knowing different cultures and languages , so i'm really interested in meeting expat people at Buenos Aires, and learning a bit more about their language and own traditions. Well, by myself, I can help you with all that has to do with our original argentinian spanish way to talk, haha . And of course, I've a fair good acknowledge of the argentinian history and idiosincracy, so if you have any doubt about the slang or other things don't doubt in consuting me ;)
Well, i guess that's all for the moment, and if one of you want to improve its spanish with me i'l be glad to have a meeting in some downtown pub. ! :D