no reply = no validity.
It is absurd to throw a bunch of tangential material against the wall and hope some sticks to support your argument.
jan 8 @ 10:47 - out of sequence due to inability to otherwise post reply to the post that follows.
before i waste my time and energy replying to you substantively, , i would like some assurance that you, the administrator, will not arbitrarily delete my posts as you have done earlier. You have deleted posts that simply voiced skepticism that your glowing review of a restaurant might be biased based upon personal connections with the restaurant under review. I did not libel you or call you names. I just voiced suspicion based upon your special status here as a result of which you have now gone on a rampage and personal vendetta.
the issue was clearly no longer the restaurant about which i know zilch. It became how petulant an administrator will be if someone merely questions his opinion. Nothing i wrote was rude or libelous. in reply you called me a liar, a racist and a hypocrit and then didn't allow me to respond. i think it telling that while we had our back and forth and you were censoring my reply posts you neglected to advise that you are, in fact, the administrator of this site.
as i said earlier (which was censored), fighting with the administrator af a website is like bringing a knife to a gunfight. If you permit this to be posted i will give you a substantive reply.