Iran must free Josh and Shane now

EdRooney said:
There's a lot of material here and I tried to sort through some of it. Many US cits abhor the excesses of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq including those occurring Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. However, it appears that some detainees in Guantanamo were enemy combatants, legal and illegal, and properly subject to detention.
By generally referencing all this Wikipedia material, are you now arguing that the 4 Iran detainees are improperly detained? Could you please amplify your implied argument that the 4 Iranian detainees and 2 Americans detained by Iran occupy a similar status? I found that argument unsupportable and nothing in the Wikipedia documents that I could locate supports that position.
No reply = no validity.
It is absurd to throw a bunch of tangential material against the wall and hope some sticks to support your argument.

Jan 8 @ 10:47 - out of sequence due to inability to otherwise post reply to the post that follows.

Before I waste my time and energy replying to you substantively, , I would like some assurance that you, the BAEXPATS.ORG administrator, will not arbitrarily delete my posts as you have done earlier. You have deleted posts that simply voiced skepticism that your glowing review of a restaurant might be biased based upon personal connections with the restaurant under review. I did not libel you or call you names. I just voiced suspicion based upon your special status here as a result of which you have now gone on a rampage and personal vendetta.

The issue was clearly no longer the restaurant about which I know zilch. It became how petulant an administrator will be if someone merely questions his opinion. Nothing I wrote was rude or libelous. In reply you called me a liar, a racist and a hypocrit and then didn't allow me to respond. I think it telling that while we had our back and forth and you were censoring my reply posts you neglected to advise that you are, in fact, the administrator of this site.

As I said earlier (which was censored), fighting with the administrator af a website is like bringing a knife to a gunfight. If you permit this to be posted I will give you a substantive reply.
Darmanad I have found your ramblings about Iran to show complete ignorance and knowledge of the subject at hand.

The Persian people have a very proud history and one that has shown peace and good will to its neighbours for over 500 years. There are many societies in the world who have a brutal history of war and the support of wars but you are strangely silent on this and other tremendous atrocities committed by so called western democracies.

In regards to Iran and its bias against Jewish people . I know for a fact that Iran is the most liberal country in the middle east for Jewish people and has a large community in Tehran who suffer no discrimination nor restrictions of movements. The same cannot be said for many societies where minorities are restricted in many ways.

As much as I do not agree with Jails and capital punishment of any kind it is very hypocritical of us to complain about Iran and its treatment of its prisoners when the USA has 20% of the worlds prison population with over 3 million people in its jails. if you believe in human dignity and the sanctity of human expression this to me is the biggest story of all.
darmanad said:
no reply = no validity.
It is absurd to throw a bunch of tangential material against the wall and hope some sticks to support your argument.

jan 8 @ 10:47 - out of sequence due to inability to otherwise post reply to the post that follows.

before i waste my time and energy replying to you substantively, , i would like some assurance that you, the administrator, will not arbitrarily delete my posts as you have done earlier. You have deleted posts that simply voiced skepticism that your glowing review of a restaurant might be biased based upon personal connections with the restaurant under review. I did not libel you or call you names. I just voiced suspicion based upon your special status here as a result of which you have now gone on a rampage and personal vendetta.

the issue was clearly no longer the restaurant about which i know zilch. It became how petulant an administrator will be if someone merely questions his opinion. Nothing i wrote was rude or libelous. in reply you called me a liar, a racist and a hypocrit and then didn't allow me to respond. i think it telling that while we had our back and forth and you were censoring my reply posts you neglected to advise that you are, in fact, the administrator of this site.

as i said earlier (which was censored), fighting with the administrator af a website is like bringing a knife to a gunfight. If you permit this to be posted i will give you a substantive reply.

The issue is very clear and has been noted by over members of ba expats and is is your compulsive agressive personality that has had incredible rights on this site Ba expats but you have choosen to stalk others and dominate threads in a most unhealthy manner.

Your behaviour on the world politics forum is a sign of this personality where total threads of up to 20 replies are answered by you and you alone . There is no other answers there is no right to reply implying that your views are correct alone.

Writing long winded posts and threads about your beliefs and opinions does not make you more eloquent nor articulate but once again shows your domineering violent personality that I had a taste of yesterday when you had the right to reply and then wrote in gun like fashion 20 replies within 3 hours completely off topic .

Ba expats is the most free thinking and open site of all latin america but that does not mean that one has the right to stalk nor has the right to propogate propaganda and make 20 posts one following the other . This is pollution and spam of the worst kind and has no goal but to spread propaganda and gossip that you hope to affect the small minded person who has little knowledge nor little idea of the world and its workings.

Most Buenos Aires expats are more intelligent and knowlegeable than the norm and their education level is above average meaning that you will very few believers .

I also suggest that you learn to write in a more balanced way that can enable the other party the respect of reply.
Leading Iranian human rights lawyers jailed for 11 years including 5 for not wearing her veil.

"Tehran, 10 Jan. (AKI) - Prominent Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh has been sentenced to 11 years in jail, according to her family. She was also banned from practising law and travelling abroad for 20 years, her family said.
The New-York based International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran deplored Sotoudeh's sentence as a "gross miscarriage of justice” and said that it should be overturned by an appeals court.
The judge sentenced her to five years in prison on charge of “acting against national security,” another five years for “not wearing hijab (the face-covering Islamic veil) during a videotaped message,” and one year for “propaganda against the regime,” The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said.
Reza Khandan, Sotoudeh's husband, said she was also found guilty of membership of the Human Rights Defenders' Centre, a group headed by Iranian Nobel peace prize winner Shirin Ebadi."