Is Anibal Fernandez A Narcotráficante Kingpin?!?


Oct 18, 2007
In the report, Martín Lanatta, a former police officer sentenced to life for the killing, and José Luis Salerno, partner of one of the victims, accused Aníbal Fernández of being the alleged mastermind of the murders of Sebastián Forza, Damián Ferrón and Leopoldo Bina, three businessmen who were kidnapped and killed in a case linked to ephedrine and drug trafficking.


Don't sample your own product!

Rumour: Campora Brigade led by Bajo attacked and damaged Lanata's apartment on Liberador.


He has got a very suspicious moustache..... thats all I can say at the moment.

But we are lucky there is no beard.
Very timely though don't you think?
Although, Jorge Lanata would go out of his way to say otherwise IE, they've been working on this piece of reporting for yonks and that to hold it back just for the primaries would be swaying towards political motivation.
My view is that it's a nice little time bomb that Magnetto has placed under the table and I expect it to get much nastier as October approaches.
The Walrus and all his cohorts, right up to the president herself, have a great deal of nasty little secrets. The problem is getting some of this to stick.
Pablo Escobar was elected to the Congress in Colombia, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if high ranking figures in the government here are tied to the drug trade. If I recall the former anti-drug chief of the Sedronar was relieved of his post after being indicted on drug trafficking charges (the guy who came before Padre Molina).
Is Lilita Carrio a reliable source of information?

Was the interview done in her appartment?

2 + 2 = 4