Is The Us Protecting Stiuso?


Sep 18, 2009
As claimed by CFK at the UN.
Is he really being held at a safe house in Virginia? And what possible benefit would this be to the US?
Clearly CFK spends most of her time at the UN with few intentions to make friends, but is what she claims true?
I must admit to being stumped over this one as it becomes more like a John Le Carre novel at every turn.
This usually springs to mind when she speaks at the UN.
Clearly, this man was a top Argie spy, and most likely was in the CIA payroll (something very common around this world, by the way). The problem is that he knows too much about the death of Mr Nisman, and probably also knows a lot about the obscure death of Her hubby, Nestor.
Knowing all this, he knows that if he returns here, he will be dead in a matter of hours. Lets not forget that recently was identified the body of the woman found dead and burned in Puerto Madero, the next day after the death of the Argie prosecutor. She was an intelligence agent for the SIDE!!!Maybe she was sent to do the job and then silenced!!
Obama probably will protect him until close to election day (Oct 25th), and then release an explosive interview that will damage Scioli terminally. Oh, the sweet taste of revenge!!
The Agency is a little busy right now. No one has time for a third rate spy. Argentinians have a tendency to overestimate their importance to US decision makers.