It's Alive ! It's Alive ! It's Aalliiivveee !

French jurist

Feb 5, 2010
Fancy live oysters? Not just fresh (out of the freezer? :p) oysters but oysters that will retract when you'll squeeze lemon on them before you put them in your mouth?

Then go to Regente SA - (They'll receive some live oysters tomorrow likely, for sure they'll have them on thursday). They have water tanks, etc. to keep them alive. They are not opened on saturdays. Of course, better go there for a significant purchase (they are rather exporters/importers) but with a good vibe, no problem anyway (I even got a discount).

I went there today for my very own personal Quest for the Holy Grail, namely fresh King Crab from Ushuaia. They have live King Crabs once in a while during the year but they don't really have a market for them so they don't bother too much getting some.
They are mainly mayoristas but they'll also sell to individuals occasionally. It's not a shop, it's more like a building with offices, etc.

Really, they are great guys, icing on the cake is that the two guys I met even speak French (OK, nobody cares on this forum but well, funny thing) and one of them even knows the names of the seafood & fish in French (wow).

Anyway, I asked them 3 times (start-mid-end of the conversation) if they could dig out a solution to bring live King Crabs for a specific order. I'll ask a 4th/5th/6th time next time I go there too. Maybe could we create among expats a specific market that would interest them? Like if we can group orders and ask for 30 live King Crabs per month, maybe would they accept to bother digging out a solution? Thanks for your feedback folks.

I reluctantly bought some frozen King Crab from them, thinking it would be the same kind of "puree" I found at Jumbo or in the Barrio Chino... I was wrong! It was very decent in fact, the crab meat was quite firm/steady (mhhh... which adjective).
I also bought some imported frozen cod (from France if I'm right), I'll cook it later in the week.

I attach a price list as of today.

Fancy live oysters? Not just fresh (out of the freezer? :p) oysters but oysters that will retract when you'll squeeze lemon on them before you put them in your mouth?

Then go to Regente SA - (They'll receive some live oysters tomorrow likely, for sure they'll have them on thursday). They have water tanks, etc. to keep them alive. They are not opened on saturdays. Of course, better go there for a significant purchase (they are rather exporters/importers) but with a good vibe, no problem anyway (I even got a discount).

I went there today for my very own personal Quest for the Holy Grail, namely fresh King Crab from Ushuaia. They have live King Crabs once in a while during the year but they don't really have a market for them so they don't bother too much getting some.
They are mainly mayoristas but they'll also sell to individuals occasionally. It's not a shop, it's more like a building with offices, etc.

Really, they are great guys, icing on the cake is that the two guys I met even speak French (OK, nobody cares on this forum but well, funny thing) and one of them even knows the names of the seafood & fish in French (wow).

Anyway, I asked them 3 times (start-mid-end of the conversation) if they could dig out a solution to bring live King Crabs for a specific order. I'll ask a 4th/5th/6th time next time I go there too. Maybe could we create among expats a specific market that would interest them? Like if we can group orders and ask for 30 live King Crabs per month, maybe would they accept to bother digging out a solution? Thanks for your feedback folks.

I reluctantly bought some frozen King Crab from them, thinking it would be the same kind of "puree" I found at Jumbo or in the Barrio Chino... I was wrong! It was very decent in fact, the crab meat was quite firm/steady (mhhh... which adjective).
I also bought some imported frozen cod (from France if I'm right), I'll cook it later in the week.

I attach a price list as of today.

If you're in Santiago, go to
Fancy live oysters? Not just fresh (out of the freezer? :p) oysters but oysters that will retract when you'll squeeze lemon on them before you put them in your mouth?

Then go to Regente SA - (They'll receive some live oysters tomorrow likely, for sure they'll have them on thursday). They have water tanks, etc. to keep them alive. They are not opened on saturdays. Of course, better go there for a significant purchase (they are rather exporters/importers) but with a good vibe, no problem anyway (I even got a discount).

I went there today for my very own personal Quest for the Holy Grail, namely fresh King Crab from Ushuaia. They have live King Crabs once in a while during the year but they don't really have a market for them so they don't bother too much getting some.
They are mainly mayoristas but they'll also sell to individuals occasionally. It's not a shop, it's more like a building with offices, etc.

Really, they are great guys, icing on the cake is that the two guys I met even speak French (OK, nobody cares on this forum but well, funny thing) and one of them even knows the names of the seafood & fish in French (wow).

Anyway, I asked them 3 times (start-mid-end of the conversation) if they could dig out a solution to bring live King Crabs for a specific order. I'll ask a 4th/5th/6th time next time I go there too. Maybe could we create among expats a specific market that would interest them? Like if we can group orders and ask for 30 live King Crabs per month, maybe would they accept to bother digging out a solution? Thanks for your feedback folks.

I reluctantly bought some frozen King Crab from them, thinking it would be the same kind of "puree" I found at Jumbo or in the Barrio Chino... I was wrong! It was very decent in fact, the crab meat was quite firm/steady (mhhh... which adjective).
I also bought some imported frozen cod (from France if I'm right), I'll cook it later in the week.

I attach a price list as of today.

Excellent data.... ! specially the Cod....from France?

Well about the Oysters what type are they Belon...? my favorite
No idea about the type of oyster (in the list above it's "ostras vivas japonesas" or "ostras vivas de cultivo/chicas".
No idea too, but maybe like in my country, the oysters are more "fat" at certain times of the year, depends on your own taste.

For shrimp & fresh fish, no idea too (I kept repeating "quiero centolla fresca de Ushuaia"/"no hay manera de tener centolla fresca de Ushuaia?"/"Y si hago una compra mayorista, puedo tener centolla fresca de Ushuaia?", etc. like a failed Galahad/Galaad/Gwalchaved in my quest). But the list above seems quite precise and prices are actual.
No idea about the type of oyster (in the list above it's "ostras vivas japonesas" or "ostras vivas de cultivo/chicas".
No idea too, but maybe like in my country, the oysters are more "fat" at certain times of the year, depends on your own taste.

For shrimp & fresh fish, no idea too (I kept repeating "quiero centolla fresca de Ushuaia"/"no hay manera de tener centolla fresca de Ushuaia?"/"Y si hago una compra mayorista, puedo tener centolla fresca de Ushuaia?", etc. like a failed Galahad/Galaad/Gwalchaved in my quest). But the list above seems quite precise and prices are actual.

Belon Oysters come from the Belon River in France....!!

Situated between the Aven and Belon rivers, Riec-sur-Belon is known throughout the world for the quality of the oysters that are produced in its waters. This attractive village has been an inspiration for chefs and artists and its coastal path continues to inspire visitors.

Celebrating shellfish

Although oysters have been grown in the River Belon for hundreds of years, it was only in the 19th century that oyster farming commenced officially. These days, the flat oyster is regarded as Brittany’s finest, primarily due to its distinctive nutty taste, which is the result of the salt water and fresh water that pass through the river; the shellfish is celebrated each July with the Fête de l’Huitre. Contrary to popular belief, oysters are perfectly edible during months without an R in them and where better to sample some than in a riverside restaurant?

Local celebrities

Oysters were an inspiration to Riec’s most famous inhabitant, chef Mélanie Rouat. After opening a grocer’s in the early 1900s Mélanie began to farm oysters, which she sold in her shop. One day some French stars touring in the area came knocking at her door looking for somewhere to eat. After tasting the food she rustled up for them they persuaded her to open a restaurant and eventually Chez Mélanie became ‘the talk of Paris’, attracting the great and the good from across France.

REGENTE S.A. es el primer ejemplo en Argentina de guardería marina en hábitat urbano.

En nuestros viveros mantenemos con vida habitualmente ostras, almejas púrpura, mejillones y cuando hay disponibilidad, también tenemos langostas vivas traídas de Cuba por avión.
A estos productos se les da un tratamiento biológico especial, que reproduce las mismas condiciones de vida que su medio natural, al mismo tiempo que asegura la calidad absoluta para la cocina y completa la depuración de agentes nocivos para la salud.
Nuestro alto nivel de volumen de productos distribuidos a diario, nos permite tener siempre a disposición de los clientes la más amplia variedad y la mejor oferta de mariscos vivos.


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Do you happen to know if they have fresh mussels ???
Mussels Marinara is one of my favorite dishes.
They sell them near me but frozen.
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