Just watch Cristina's face


Mar 20, 2014

I tried to queue this up at 4:43 so you could just watch the part I am talking about. Let's see if it works. You only need to watch about 10 seconds of it to see what I'm talking about.

Professor Moustache was giving a long speech, full of political blah blah blah. When he got to the part where he reminded the opposition that it was their boy Macri who got us into this 43 billion USD debt, the opposition, (the ones with the blue & yellow taped to the front of their desks), mostly stood up and walked out. I don't know who Cristina was looking at, but the expression on her face was worth a thousand words.

I tried to queue this up at 4:43 so you could just watch the part I am talking about. Let's see if it works. You only need to watch about 10 seconds of it to see what I'm talking about.

Professor Moustache was giving a long speech, full of political blah blah blah. When he got to the part where he reminded the opposition that it was their boy Macri who got us into this 43 billion USD debt, the opposition, (the ones with the blue & yellow taped to the front of their desks), mostly stood up and walked out. I don't know who Cristina was looking at, but the expression on her face was worth a thousand words.
Redpossum, hmmmmmmm...see you used La Nacion as the source for your clip? What can we infer from this? Quite a lot.
Tonto y Retonto as I like to call them. Take your pick for who's who.
Tonto y Retonto as I like to call them. Take your pick for who's who.

No, no, Quil. Don't fool yourself. Cristina is a lot of things, but a fool she is not. That woman is smart as a whip - she knows the Argentine people, how to manipulate them, and she is a political operator of legendary cunning, as well as a truly formidable orator. Demosthenes might have been able to give her a few pointers on the latter, but nobody of any lesser skill. Compare her speeches to those of Trump or Biden.