La Plata Flooding

Nearly 400mm in 2 hours, thats approaching half the annual average for La Plata.

I shudder to think what would've happened if that amount of rain had hit Buenos Aiers yesterday.
So jaded with the system in AR, would donate a few $$$ to make me feel better and then count my blessings. Cannot help but believe the people that need help would never see a peso. Sad state of affairs.
Set your cynicism aside:

I believe donations of clothes and bedding would be received with sincere thanks. 'Fundacion Si' is the charity collecting for flood victims.

Capital Federal y conurbano

- La Fundación Sí está juntando donaciones para los damnificados en tres puntos:

CAPITAL FEDERAL: Ángel Carranza 1962, Palermo. De 10 a 20 horas hasta el sábado 6 de abril.

ZONA SUR: Club Defensores de Banfield, ubicado en Pena 1610, Banfield. De Lunes a Viernes de 14 a 21.

ZONA NORTE: Parroquia Nuestra Señora de la Guardia: Carlos F Melo 2902, Florida. De Lunes a Viernes de 16 a 19.
These organizations are also coordinating relief efforts and donations:
Red Solidaria

This organization is serious. They do good work. I wouldn't hesitate to donate money to them. But if that makes you queasy, bring over some supplies to one of the addresses listed on their site.
In this link you'll find a list of organizations & places where donations are accepted: