La Viruta, English-speaking Group Tango Lessons?


Apr 9, 2009
La Viruta -

Want to dance? I hope someone finds this useful. I was looking for group tango dance lessons in english. This place has alot to offer.

This is a dance salon in Palmero Viejo - Armenia 1366- between the B & D (Scalabrini Ortiz) subte stops. From Ortiz it is a bit of a walk but not bad. It is in the basement of the Armenian Cultural center - you walk in and go downstairs. I wanted to learn how to tango and since I haven't much practice (8 lessons in Seattle about 10 years ago), I thought group lessons would be a good start. I chose this venue because I was told the lessons are in english and it is on my subte line.

*the good:
Big Space: there are 2 dance floors 1 big, 1 small and the floor is good quality which makes it easy to dance on.
Lots of Instructors: the instructor-couples teach multiple levels so that you are not constantly learning 'the basic' every week. There were 6 couples for tango the night that I was there.
Food: they serve fast food and drinks all reasonably priced. About 12 oz of wine for $7p, pizza is ok but was a little too doughy for me.
Price: $15p for 1 cover charge for the whole night which includes multiple dance lessons. I went on a Sunday at 8pm and they were finishing a milonga class, 20:30-22:00 is the Tango, then Rock n' Roll 22:00- 23:30. Open Dance until 2am.
Dancing: group classes for Rock n Roll, Tango, Milonga and Salsa. Rocknroll is a sort of east coast swing. The basic is similar (but with an extra tap), the start and embrace are a bit different. Miraculously, the extra tap goes away when you dance with a good lead. Once you get going its pretty much the same if you are used to lindy or a triple step. I confess I was completely lost during the lesson though.

so to *the bad:
English: Now before criticising my "english requirement" please understand that I went here specifically because I was told they speak english and I was looking for a place that teaches group lessons in english. It is on their website too. My spanish consists of a couple of years in college and junior high = caveman style. I point and make three word sentances. I can usually get others to understand me but just barely.

SO the real truth of it is the instructors teach in spanish and you follow along. It wasn't too hard, I am not a genius and I was able to figure it out. Then you can catch them and ask them to repeat it in english. They will as best they can as not all instructors have the same level of english skills.

Lesson Overall:
I would recommend going. It wasn't too difficult to understand but I was a count behind in most lessons. Did I miss alot of the lesson? Probably but it was still a good deal and I walked out being able to manage the basic tango step.

The instructor answered my questions fine. Just dance and leave your ego at the door. To enter a group dance class you must have strong intrinsic motivation/healthy self-esteem and not care too much about what you look like.

I am still looking for more in Belgrano or on the D line. Anyone interested?
The only problem with such group lessons is that the basic step of tango is the walk, and I bet they were teaching patterns, and "counts" as you say. Also you end up dancing with someone who knows even less then you. If you can possibly manage a few private lessons first to acquire some technique, then you can go to group classes to have fun and meet people.
The lessons in the VIRUTA very good, I think and I know it is not necessary to understand too much Spanish to take part in.
(Althogh, I understand Spanish almost perfect but I cannnot move my body as they say) But Feel free is so much difficult!!!
if you need some personal lessons as small group
I have a friend who is a good tango teacher, Martina, just I sent about a New Tango Intensive Workshop
(very important! the best dancer is not always good teacher...)
Workshop Intensive TANGO
Contact at: Martina Lavalle and Omar Forte (15) 5404 0473 - [email protected]
Local: Av. Libertador 314 - 1ºA - Recoleta - Capital Federal
10 clases de 90 minutos - total curso $150
The Course starts on June 8th. On Mondays and Wednesday from 8 to 9,30pm
She can attend in English, French and a littele Portogues.

On Saturday and Sunday in the evening, in Barrancas Belgrano near from Belgrano C Station, there is a GLORIETA DE BELGRANO, it is very fun to see many people dancing out of the door, exactly under the GLORIETA, and they should have some lessons before the Milonga, although you do not like to do, good to go to see
and take some pictures.
KittyKat, if you are looking for smaller groups and more personalised coaching, you ought to check out the European Club downtown, at Corrientes 327, 21st floor. Nothing beats tango dancing and viewing the Obelisco LIVE all at once!!

Its a block from the start of the B subway at Alem (you can transfer form D at 9 de Julio station). They do tango-milonga, salsa-merengue, and rock-n-roll lessons. Check out their website:

On Friday´s they do a "milonga" demo and show, plus dinner, where you can see what the students are learning plus get a test class.
Most people their speak English and probably even the professors, so that would help.
