

Sep 18, 2009
Last night, following on the piece about the worsening drug problems in Argentina, he presented recorded conversations between train drivers and the control centre for the Sarmiento line.
Which came as no surprise whatsoever, as I believe that travelling by train here is akin to Russian roulette.
Taken from Clarin:

'En otra parte de Periodismo Para Todos se mostró un informe sobre el estado de los trenes. En la investigación del periodista Rodrigo Alegre se escuchan conversaciones tomadas por un grupo de radioaficionados durante varias semanas del último mes, entre los motorman y la torre de control.
En esas conversaciones se escucha a los conductores advertir sobrefallas en los frenos, problemas de velocidad de las unidades, pedidos de refuerzo de Gendarmería porque se sube la barra brava de independiente al tren, baches en la vía, puertas que se traban, cables cortados, problemas de señalización y barreras que no funcionan y hasta un incendio en un vagón.

“De las 23 formaciones que tenía hasta noviembre del año pasado, del tren Sarmiento, hoy solamente están operativas 14 ”, se destacó en el informe.

Etc etc...................
So a bunch of amateur radio enthusiasts casually recorded these conversations and sent them to the program. How believable is that?
It is fishy to me all this thing happening with the train. First, because its only one train, the Sarmiento, everything happened in one train. Do you know how many trains we have here? A LOT. Its just fishy that is always the same train. For instance, the last accident, was a week before the elections. Again, fishy. And what is happening with the drivers, the problem with the cameras, I dont know.... Besides the experts reports on both accidents said it wasnt the trains fault but human errors....
It is fishy to me all this thing happening with the train. First, because its only one train, the Sarmiento, everything happened in one train. Do you know how many trains we have here? A LOT. Its just fishy that is always the same train. For instance, the last accident, was a week before the elections. Again, fishy. And what is happening with the drivers, the problem with the cameras, I dont know.... Besides the experts reports on both accidents said it wasnt the trains fault but human errors....

Obviously, it's more important to suppress fares than save lives.
Yes, the trains are fine, the drivers are sabotaging them all, you can eat for 6 pesos a day, inflation is less than 10%, FpV "won" the mid term elections, there are no problems in the education sector, crime is just a "sensation" and PRO is a secret vehicle for the military to take power,...mmm, did I miss anything....oh oh, yes, yes...sorry, anything which isn't peronism is neo-liberalism.

I think I probably just saved us some time. Enjoy the rest of your Monday.
Yes, the trains are fine, the drivers are sabotaging them all, you can eat for 6 pesos a day, inflation is less than 10%, FpV "won" the mid term elections, there are no problems in the education sector, crime is just a "sensation" and PRO is a secret vehicle for the military to take power,...mmm, did I miss anything....oh oh, yes, yes...sorry, anything which isn't peronism is neo-liberalism.

I think I probably just saved us some time. Enjoy the rest of your Monday.

Yeah sure, Pro isnt neoliberalista, the insecurity isnt inflated by the media, the drivers do want the cameras and do not do anything about it, and all the state of decadence on the trains we know its only because of the accidents and conversations in one (1) branch line.

PS: I dont think the FPV exactly won the elections, but they do still have the majority in both cameras, senadores and diputados. They didnt lose any bench. So pretty much they can govern and have quorum without the oposicion. They do have that power. I wouldnt call them losers or say they did lose considering this.
It is fishy to me all this thing happening with the train. First, because its only one train, the Sarmiento, everything happened in one train. Do you know how many trains we have here? A LOT. Its just fishy that is always the same train. For instance, the last accident, was a week before the elections. Again, fishy. And what is happening with the drivers, the problem with the cameras, I dont know.... Besides the experts reports on both accidents said it wasnt the trains fault but human errors....

Are you for real?

I lived overlooking the Sarmiento line for about 1.5 years -- in that time I saw 3 derailments, fortunately none seemed to have fatalities, but the first time it happened i couldn't believe it, I took all sorts of pics from my balcony -- you know what I couldn't believe? Was that people were just jumping out of the carriages and walking away, as if it were a common occurence, which it turned out it was. It was so common that when I looked in the news the first time there was no mention of it. So how many other incidences are going on every day that aren't reported, that are just shown as a "demora" on the line. Only in the case of large fatalities do these things seem to hit the front page.