Let Me Save You Pain - Do Not Use Pilar's Migrations Office


Nov 17, 2016
This is a post based off of a comment I made, but I think it can be helpful to others not following that post.

The Pilar office is new and it sucks big time. I thought it would be quick and easy because they just opened and don't have the number of applicants like downtown BA, but I made a big mistake. Don't go to it!

It opened in late November, early December. You can only go to the Pilar office if you live in certain areas outside of Capital Federal. For example, all of Pilar, Exaltacion de la Cruz, Lujan, Tigre, San Fernando, and a few other areas. I applied for my permanent residency and DNI there on December 23. I went back recently to renew my "precaria" because it's been more than 3 months. It's now expired. My file "is in supervision and hasn't moved". Apparently ZERO of their files they started since they opened have been approved by their "supervisors" and we are all waiting for our DNIs. And, although you'd think they would merely be a local office that would forward these files to a central office because migrations is a nationally regulated process, this is not the case. They are handling all of their files locally. And if you know Pilar's silly municipalidad and sorry excuse for a registro civil, you'd get the picture. In short, Pilar is a dumb city where they operate like a small town, and they have too little resources to resolve anything. They can't even get birth certificates out. Had I known they were going to be in charge of handling all the files locally, I would have gone downtown to use a friends address. I have an acquaintance who applied downtown in February and already got his DNI. And here I am, one of their first applicants, and all I can do is pay $60 pesos to renew my precaria while I play "wait and see".