Letter of invitation advice


Jul 25, 2009
Hey everyone, I know there have been so many threads out there about obtaining visas for boyfriends/girlfriends from Argentina to meet parents in the U.S. I have read them all and seem to come out more confused than before.

All I want to know is, from you personal experience, does a letter of invitation really help the process for applying for a tourist visa?

I lived in Argentina for 18 months and met by boyfriend there before having to return to the U.S. for 1 year to finish university. He wants to come here to visit where I'm from and meet my parents (he already met my mom, not my dad). I'm also moving back to Argentina to be with him in July after he visits.

He is 28, has a documented en blanco job with a financial company in Buenos Aires and has pending studies at Business School there as well. However, he doesn't speak much English, which is my only worry with the visa. Since he fits the profile of someone who would get accepted already do you think it is worthwhile to send a letter of invitation or would it only be a drawback as it would prove a tie to the U.S.?
Traveling alone always looks suspicious to the authorities. I don't think a letter would hurt. Besides, he'll have to put the address of where he will be staying during his time in the US.