Literary / hacker / zenny / singer


Sep 26, 2011
Hey everybody,

I've been in BA for about 3 months. I went to one expat meetup before (at Spring) but I just signed up on the forum now and I wanted to say hi.

I study singing, zen, and the liberal arts (especially philosophy) and work as a computer programmer (Ruby on Rails).

I'd love to find a literary / intellectual scene, but my Spanish isn't quite there yet. Any suggestions?

Also if anybody is interested in making music, let's talk!


Hey Nick, welcome !

am also a musician/programmer ... if you're up for a jam sometime (I play guitar) drop me a line
Hey thanks for the reply, sounds like fun. I tried to PM you but I couldn't find the link. What part of town are you in?
Halooo there Nick! and (mellowshipslinky) I am a recent arrival here in BA and I enjoy doing music as well! I play guitar, a folky little venezuelan cuatro, and do audio production as well. (logic studio w/various addons) Either way I've been wanting to meetup with some musicians here and maybe record/work out a quick song or two, the situation would probably lead to some interesting songs! Perhaps we could trade guitar lessons for some singing lessons? I found this artistic house and I think they have a little studio, as well as other music/visual types as well...just a though on that. Either way I won't post my work on here for fear of being called a spammer, but if interested definitely let me know! :)

PS I wouldn't say I study zen, but I dig it!
Zen and the Artof Motorcycle Maintenance is about as Zen as I get. That said, I have been desperate to meet some musicians. What sort of music do you all like/play?