Looking At University Options In Argentina


Sep 29, 2013
Hello everyone! I'm so excited to be a part of this group and to hopefully be able to get to know some of you. I am an American from the northern part of of the US who has finally decided I'm ready to take the plunge and move to Argentina to be with my fiancee. I am currently and International Business and Finance Student (minoring in Spanish) who would like to make the move and transfer abroad to Argentina for the remainder of my program. I currently have obtained 60 credits so I have Junior standing. My boyfriend is an international law student in Tucuman. I just would like to know how receptive Argentine universities are to International students? Would I be able to finish my degree in the two years I'd need here? I don't care which University necessarily I just would like to be in the country. My last question is as to whether there is actual job availability for those with my major? Any advice/insight is appreciated!
There will be a fair amount of paperwork involved - the first thing is that you must pass highschool level exams as Argentina doesn't recognize the US highschool diploma. I think it is 6 exams or so? You don't need to actually attend HS all over again but you will need to pass the exams which means you need to be relatively fluent and obviously up to date on Argentine history which is one IIRC.

Are you thinking private or public university? Private is not inexpensive. And where? If your BF is in Tucuman, would you be based there? I don't know anything about the province but you are going to be relatively isolated there. The pop of the entire province (if Wiki is correct) is under 1.5 million.

As for jobs..yes, for now at least in Buenos Aires. I would guess there are far fewer options in Tucuman. I assume you understand what your salary would be here correct? IB/Finance meets not much so you would be starting out in a relatively entry level position. Which means a very low salary. Not the end of the world but you need to be aware. And low as in your average income would be under 10K in USD probably. Do you have student loans or other debt in the US that you are responsible for paying? If so, that is going to be an issue

It's not impossible by any means but please make sure you go into this with your eyes open.
Even if I attend University abroad I have to pass these tests since I've already started my university education?

I do know the isolation that exists within Tucuman, but I am someone who has lived in Montana so to me Tucuman has always felt like home. I've thought of private, but from what I understand a private university diploma is looked at as being "easier" than a public university education, which for future employment I don't want to look as though I took the easy way.

As far as university education goes is it more or less intense than the US?

I understand I'd be taking a significant salary cut, however I have had an internship with a top US financial firm who has a branch in Argentina, so I'm hoping to keep my connection with them.

Thank you!
Tucumán is a big city with significant cultural resources, and close to Salta and its recreational backcountry. I would not call it isolated, though I'm not sure of the overall quality of the university experience. I know somebody who taught there for many years, a capable geography professor who had also taught in the US, and he was frustrated with the frequent educational disruptions at all levels. The frequent strikes by public school teachers, which shorten the school year, left many students underprepared for university-level work.
Best advice: your boyfriend should do some research about how you would have to go about applying. Knowing Argentine universities, it will probably be hard and you might have to start from zero. Also, a private university will be more likely to accept your credits, but this does not mean the quality of the education will be better.