Looking for a job as an English teacher


Sep 1, 2024

I am planning to move to Buenos Aires (possible Cordoba) with my family in the next 3-6 months and am seeking a job as an English language teacher. I have CELTA, a BA honours degree and some teaching experience. I also speak a little Spanish. I've applied with some of the more well known language institutions but was wondering if this community had any advice or knew of any available positions ?

Muchas gracias, Beth.
You want to talk to Vagrant Violet.
Based upon my own 8 years of experience, I will say that it's a tough row to hoe. Honestly, you're better off teaching online and getting paid in dollars. Check out cambly.com

Original article from 2014

Followup from 2018

This is just one of those subjects here at baexpats, which is why when I found your post just now, it had 95 views and no replies. Nobody really wants to be the one to take up the subject because OH GOD!
Thanks for your reply. I will definitely check out her pages. Unfortunately to be able to stay in the country for an extended period of time, as I need to, I'm going to need a works visa, hence the job and since my Spanish isn't great, teach is probably my best bet. But I appreciate the honesty. Always best to know what you're getting into
Thanks for your reply. I will definitely check out her pages. Unfortunately to be able to stay in the country for an extended period of time, as I need to, I'm going to need a works visa, hence the job and since my Spanish isn't great, teach is probably my best bet. But I appreciate the honesty. Always best to know what you're getting into
You won't be able to survive as a teacher of English. Can you teach a subject in a high school? There are many bilingual schools that may consider you - and they will sponsor you for a visa.
A bilingual school can sponsor you but if you have no teaching experience you won't be considered. At this time with the economy in such a crisis I imagine bilingual schools have cut back on hiring from abroad (primarily from the UK). I suppose you could get a student visa if you want to study something - maybe a year studying Spanish at a university?
A bilingual school can sponsor you but if you have no teaching experience you won't be considered. At this time with the economy in such a crisis I imagine bilingual schools have cut back on hiring from abroad (primarily from the UK). I suppose you could get a student visa if you want to study something - maybe a year studying Spanish at a university?
That seems to be correct, even at the Instituto Britanico all of the teachers we know of are native Argentinians.
You won't be able to survive as a teacher of English. Can you teach a subject in a high school? There are many bilingual schools that may consider you - and they will sponsor you for a visa.
Listen to Sergio. Pay heed. You will NOT make any kind of living teaching English in Argentina unless you have a skill in an industry that needs a particular application of English....Finance or Eng. examples. Look at Craig's List for a dose of reality. (24 years teaching ESL...including Argentina). For sure start looking online. Some of the worst paying jobs online are better than what you can make here. Some are actually okay!
At my university, they offer language courses for non university student (community language courses). The pay is 4120 ARS per hour, which is 3.16 USD per hour. Listen to those who have commented above. Be a student for visa purposes, work online to make a living.
As a reference, a Frappuccino is 7600 ARS at Starbuck's.
Listen to Sergio. Pay heed. You will NOT make any kind of living teaching English in Argentina unless you have a skill in an industry that needs a particular application of English....Finance or Eng. examples. Look at Craig's List for a dose of reality. (24 years teaching ESL...including Argentina). For sure start looking online. Some of the worst paying jobs online are better than what you can make here. Some are actually okay!
Thanks I am now looking into possibly teaching online. I appreciate the honesty ☺️
A lady neighbour teaches English in person for $6000 pesos