Looking for Spanish shows/movie with Spanish sub-titles


Jan 22, 2011
Hi all,

I'm looking to tune in spanish shows or movies with spanish sub-titles. My thinking is that being able to hear and see the spanish words at the same time will help me improve my listening skills (in addition to regular conversation).

In the states, these are typically on CC1 or CC2 but I haven't seen any sub-titles yet while browsing with either of these on.

Does anyone have any info? Recommended channels / times?

Tech specs: I'm watching tv on a pretty new Sony Bravia with a Cablevision box.


If you find anything, do let me know, via this thread, please. I have a very elderly friend who is almost entirely stone deaf and the only way he can enjoy TV is to watch non-dubbed non-Spanish-language films which are displayed with sub-titles in castellano. Close-caption or anything similar would be a real breakthrough for him.
As a linguist and language teacher, let me give you a little hint. If you want to tune up your listening skills, do not use subtitled films, or you will just work on your reading skills. Reading completely takes over, it is a much more dominant input. Best to watch it without Spanish subtitles first, then watch it again (or a 3rd time) with the Spanish subtitles to confirm or correct your understanding (then, if you are reallly confused, watch it again with English subtitles a 3rd or 4th time). Listening is like physical exercise, you need to hone it again and again on its own or your ability is never developed (or atrophies).

Whenever I play short portions of video in my class to work on listening skills, the students all shout out "subtitulos por favor", but they then enjoy the challenge after.