Looking for web design teacher for my husband


Sep 24, 2010
I am posting this for my Argentine hubby who doesn´t have time to attend a class on the subject. He stays off this board but speaks English fluently.

My husband is looking for someone that can come over to our place once a week or, so and teach him web design and basic programming to start. He is very computer savy and edits with final cut often, does quite a bit of photoshop, etc. You´d have to ask him for his specific skill set later because I am not familiar with everything.

He mentioned he´d like to learn how to use the software programs listed below. He has the necessary programs and he uses a Mac.

Adobe indesign

Would anybody be interested in something like this? Might be good for a student in this field or, someone with some extra time. What is your rate? Please pm or respond with your info. Thanks.

Good luck in your search, but I'd suggest to not spend too much time on Flash. It is a dead-end technology. Better focus on HTML5/CSS and mobile development solutions.
Hi There

I would be interested in helping to teach your husband. The previous poster was correct in saying Flash is dead. I could start and teach him from the basics in HTML5 and CSS3 (the most up to date web coding languages).

Let me know what you think. If you have an email address so we can discuss it properly it would be great.

I'm a designer with 15+ years of experience. Been teaching design and web development too. Drop me a PM please
Another piranha on the tank... Hey guys... Dont teach'em. A few bucks doesnt worth it, considering its important to keep our profetion saved as possible as we can.
I truly believe in sharing the knowledge and love to both give it and receive it. And, yes, I'm competition blind. Competition in business nowadays is pointless. We are either different and use differentiation as our selling points or we form joint ventures, synergies and alliances

I am really grateful to those who shared their knowledge with me when I was new kid on the block. I do the same with new rookies that come to me and ask for help

T'Brigadier, you wanna form a syndicate or a guild? ;)
Sure, it isnt a bad idea... If you are talking seriusly pm me, and if you dont forget it. About share the knowledge, i just wanna say that you got to be thankfull with those who share it with you, even without know you!...
He seems to be an Argentine

I don't believe in protectionism of any kind! Socially and speaking of education and welfare I'm leftist, but economically I'm against most of regulations

If you are willing and able to share some really serious stuff that helped you make some serious money or achieve any other accomplishment, you'll be greatly rewarded!

It's not about keeping opportunities to yourself. It's about creating opportunities for yourself and others