Looking For Work


Mar 25, 2013
Hi there, wise fellow expats.

In need of some job advice/employment. I have a BA (from Yale) and a PhD (from UCLA) in English lit. Been living in BA off and on for about two years, doing some teaching, editing, communications/project management work. People think that I'm crazy for wanting to remain in BA, particularly when I have robust connections and opportunities back home in the States, but I love the city and I have an Argentine partner. It hasn't been difficult for me to get part-time gigs, but long-term work has been tougher to find, especially since I am not fluent in Spanish (though I do read it well). I'm a curious, smart, and meticulous worker who understands the nuttiness of doing business in Argentina. Any thoughts about how someone with my background might find a long-term position in Buenos Aires?

PS- I'm in Los Angeles for my commencement right now, so I'm in a position to throw in some peanut butter for anyone who offers suggestions...

Good luck. You talking about a country where doctors, garbage men and teachers make relatively the same salary. So just forget the degrees [which by the way are useless in this environment] and dream up something that depends on no one....other than yourself.