Looking to invest $1 million USD in Argentina - what should I buy?

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May 21, 2011
Any investment tips from the expat community? I would like to double my money in 5 years.


From what I have seen (On BAexpats) the operator of this service draws a line with users being allowed to discuss investments and more specifically investment advice or guidance. It looks as if people may be removed from the service for doing so as best I can tell. (I have seen people discuss / post on the topic and then disappear, never to be seen again. I guess their account get's suspended??? It's my best guess.) If I am correct, be aware you are risking removal from the service.
From what I have seen (On BAexpats) the operator of this service draws a line with users being allowed to discuss investments and more specifically investment advice or guidance. It looks as if people may be removed from the service for doing so as best I can tell. (I have seen people discuss / post on the topic and then disappear, never to be seen again. I guess their account get's suspended??? It's my best guess.) If I am correct, be aware you are risking removal from the service.
If you search his posts from the past ten years you probably won't take him seriously.

That being said, if he is serious (this time), I sincerely suggest he does what the CCP, Bill Gates, and I have done:

Buy land where you can grow food and (at least in my case), raise a few chickens.

I am not suggesting MM buy land where I am living. His Ferrari would attract too much attention...
If you search his posts from the past ten years you probably won't take him seriously.

That being said, if he is serious (this time), I sincerely suggest he does what the CCP, Bill Gates, and I have done:

Buy land where you can grow food and (at least in my case), raise a few chickens.

I am not suggesting MM buy land where I am living. His Ferrari would attract too much attention...
Steven, Thanks for the laugh. (I guess I should do some research into the poster in the future when the post is a stretch to begin with???) On a serious note, I do agree with buying raw land and using it for some basic purpose such as producing food at some level or scale.

How many chickens do you have? And, would you agree that a fresh egg is quite nice?
Any investment tips from the expat community? I would like to double my money in 5 years.

Buy my car. I assure you it will be worth more than double in five years. All my research tells me the 2007 Ford Fiesta is about to become a sought after classic. Now's the time to buy. Price, $500,000, still leaving you with half for other investments!
Steve, we could possibly use your land, depending on location, to hold some Scientology and other spiritual retreats. It would provide you with buyers of your vegetables as many of the people attending (Argentinian high society and celebrities) are Vegan. Im afraid nobody would want to see the chickens. Let me know if you are interested as the money is very good.
Steve, we could possibly use your land, depending on location, to hold some Scientology and other spiritual retreats. It would provide you with buyers of your vegetables as many of the people attending (Argentinian high society and celebrities) are Vegan. Im afraid nobody would want to see the chickens. Let me know if you are interested as the money is very good.
I am undoubtedly too far from Capital Federal to provide a good location for your purpose, and I would not be able to accomodate more than a few individuals at any given time.

I can imagine this property would need a lot of work to accomodate a number of overnight guests, but it may be worth checking out, as the intital investment is incredibly low and the building is beautiful (if not inspirational). Hopefully, it has papers "al día" and an escritura would be possible.

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