Lost Permanent Dni- How To Obtain New One???

Vagrant Violet

Oct 4, 2009
Hello all,

I'm in a bit of a pickle- I lost my permanent DNI. I've looked positively EVERYWHERE, no luck, no dice. It's gone... D'oh!

From what I understand, I need to go through RENAPER to obtain a new DNI, right? The problem is that all the info online that I've seen corresponds to Argentine nationals and their DNIs, whereas the link for "Tramites Para DNI de Extranjeros" is broken and useless :-/

Since I already have my permanent residency (through marriage to an Argentine) approved and my residency approved since Nov. 2011...
  • Where can I go to do the paperwork for my new copy for my lost DNI? I live in Nunez in Capital, and from what I understand from the website, I can do it at the civil registry on Ave. Cabildo 3067 (correct?).
  • What will I need to bring? (that might be distinct as I am a foreginer who has already been approved who still has all her original paperwork)
  • Is there any way to expidite the process? (I need to register my newborn son very soon at the registro civil, but cannot do it without my DNI that I presented at the hospital). BTW- Approximately how long is the process now on average for just replacing the card?
  • Any other important details to keep in mind that I might be overlooking?

Thank you in advance for any helpful feedback!!!
All I know is that you have to file a denuncia at your local police station first. AR$10, I believe. They'll give you a printout to keep with you.
You have to go to migraciones on irygoyen and irygoyen. Registro civil is not for extranjeros unfortunatly
Get your online turno here and check requirements. The appt itself is quick and painless. They take your photo there. And it's delivered 15 working days later. http://www.migraciones.gov.ar/accesible/?dni_extranjeros