Mar Del Plata Tango?


Sep 24, 2013
I am a tango addict and part of my 12 step Tangeros Anonymous program is to visit Argentina to tango even more. Besides Buenos Aires, I'm thinking of spending some time in the coastal city of Mar del Plata. Has anyone had any experience with tango there? Milongas, tango schools and cost? Is it any safer than Buenos Aires? Less expensive? What about getting around the city? I would visiting in January to March.
Many thanks,
Mar de Plata has a HUGE theft problem in the tourist season. It is less safe than BsAs then because the criminal elements go there to take advantage of all the tourists.
I know of one milonga in Mar De Plata, that I went to one summer. Nothing to compare with those here, but maybe it got better after I left. Supposedly many BA tango teachers locate there to teach for our summers, but again have yet to know of one personally who goes there. So I'm sure you'll find SOMETHING/s going on there but much more here in BsAs and even Montevideo from what I know personally. Good luck
Mar de Plata has a HUGE theft problem in the tourist season. It is less safe than BsAs then because the criminal elements go there to take advantage of all the tourists.
I know of one milonga in Mar De Plata, that I went to one summer. Nothing to compare with those here, but maybe it got better after I left. Supposedly many BA tango teachers locate there to teach for our summers, but again have yet to know of one personally who goes there. So I'm sure you'll find SOMETHING/s going on there but much more here in BsAs and even Montevideo from what I know personally. Good luck

really????? I'm surprised about it being more dangerous! i know that their are parts of downtown where their are loads of pick pocketers in the busy season of course their are dangerous areas, but i feel way more safe there! we rent a house there every year, and I've always felt pretty safe sleeping in the house, (of course their are alarms and i was in the beautiful area of playa grande, Los troncos)
about tango, i go to a milonga downtown but it was about 4 years ago, so i totally forge the name! but yes, there are some milongas and classes for sure!
I live in La Perla -- in MDP..... I have never had any problems...I dont think it is more dangerous overall... of course you have to have common sense.......... sure the summer is crazy... since half of BA is here but mar del plata.. is a great place... cheaper.. and more relaxed ..... take a look at this link maybe you can get some help from this.... i dont tango..just drink wine and eat steak.. cheers
Thank you all for your responses.

I have three months to spend in Argentina starting January 1. My purpose is to improve my tango which is now intermediate. I thought I might spend a month in BA and then a month in MDP or visa versa. If it is hot, I would think it would be better to be in MDP near the ocean. I have done some more research and there does seem to be quite a bit of tango activity in MDP. I would hope to find a good instructor to take some private lessons with. Is it possible to get good tango instruction in MDP or must it be in BA?

I will be going by myself and while I speak french and some italian, I don't speak much spanish. I would like to go to milongas at night, but wonder if it's such a good idea with the crime situation in BA. I was in BA in 2006 for two weeks and stayed in St. Telmo with a friend who spoke spanish. We had a good time, but were cautious about going out. I've heard that Palermo is more convenient for tango and safer. Is it much better than San Telmo?
Hi Rango! Milongas here are actually pretty safe (as long as you are inside the building) - it is typically when you leave the milongas at night that you have to be a little more careful with your belongings. If you feel uncomfortable or see something suspicious, then you should probably get a taxi to take you home from the milonga. You just have to keep your eyes open and you wallet and cell phone out of reach. :) Also, if you are looking to see what milonga and practicas are available in Buenos Aires, you should visit this site: - it has fully updated listings of milongas and practicas in Buenos Aires, as well as reviews of these events by other dancers, videos from the milongas, photos, etc.; so can check out these places virtually to help you decide where to go out tango dancing during your visit in Buenos Aires. Mar del Plata tango listings aren't there just yet, but will be added soon, by the time you come! ;)