Median Porteño: 38 & earns 4200 ARG

Must be non-unionized/negro workers contributing to keep the numbers down because even a 23 yr old on a starting salary of 1800 pesos would be earning higher than that by the time theyre 28 with 25-30% increases the last 10 years..
fifs2 said:
Must be non-unionized/negro workers contributing to keep the numbers down because even a 23 yr old on a starting salary of 1800 pesos would be earning higher than that by the time theyre 28 with 25-30% increases the last 10 years..

Wow wtf and then the track drivers get 15.000, maybe this is non-unionized but still quite dificult to belive when now a day that is the minimun you can hope to pay if you have employs and that is only on the start.
lamarque said:
Wow wtf and then the track drivers get 15.000, maybe this is non-unionized but still quite dificult to belive when now a day that is the minimun you can hope to pay if you have employs and that is only on the start. were really TRYING to say what?
ghost said: were really TRYING to say what?

Is it not clear? you really belive that this info is accurate? i don't believe that this is the medium salary in this city, and more than anything i seriously doubt that the average income is 5600 in recoleta, that is nonsense, almost all people in that neiborhood get a lot more money than that not even counting the millonaries that live there, or i really don't get how they obtain this number. What are the math behind that or people when answer the ''encuesta'' to the indect officers say that they get less money than they actually do because they are afraid of this info arrive to someone that shouldn't see it.(afip or corrupt people that sell this data to any sort of criminal that would be glad to know that kind of information)
If I’m wrong please explain me how they arrive to this number, because if this is based on interviews then is anything but accurate, no one especially here in argentina will say what they are really making per month to a government depending institution especially with what has happen lately with the government trying to control and tax everything by any mean.
Lamarque I actually dont think this figure would be that far off the wealthy elite is such a small portion. Look at the amount of people unemployed and the population of the villas.
I believe the figure. Look at teachers or doctors salaries.. they aren't that high and they're professionals. Most workers are blue collar and not everyone belongs to a union.

The figure may be skewed a bit low by people who are paid in "gris"... officially their pay is a lot lower than what they make in order to qualify for government help or to simply not declare income. There's a lot of tax evasion. :p But salaries? They're not very high here.
el_expatriado said:
I don't believe it. Unless they are counting people who don't work.

+1 What he said.

No way this article is realistic. Maybe a few years ago but not today. I've had to give my employees a 27% to 30% a year raise for the past 4 years or so.

I work in white so we do everything legally. And I had employees a few years out of college making over 6,000 pesos a month. And these people are in their early to mid 20's.

I have friends that are waiters at restaurants like Kansas and they make more than this and they are in their 20's.

With the mandatory 25% to 30% a year raises you have to give your employees, these numbers raise very rapidly year after year. The true figures are much higher than these.
earlyretirement said:
+1 What he said.

No way this article is realistic. Maybe a few years ago but not today. I've had to give my employees a 27% to 30% a year raise for the past 4 years or so.

I work in white so we do everything legally. And I had employees a few years out of college making over 6,000 pesos a month. And these people are in their early to mid 20's.

I have friends that are waiters at restaurants like Kansas and they make more than this and they are in their 20's.

With the mandatory 25% to 30% a year raises you have to give your employees, these numbers raise very rapidly year after year. The true figures are much higher than these.

If you are earning 6.000 pesos a month NOW straight out of college here you are doing well. The finance and accounting graduates in my company (its a multinational) make about 4.000 pesos en mano (a touch under).

I am not saying this figure is right on the money (no pun intended), but I dont think it is too inaccurate as an average / median type wage.